New chameleon

I just also wanted to be another person that confirms that your chameleon is indeed male. First picture, male colouring 100%. the spur is also visible in another!

Having a male is not a bad thing! They're less maintenance heavy ;)
Well he ate and he pooped, he had i believe 6 worms and then pooped afterwards, i left him alone to eat and he did does this look normal?


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All that orange signifies that he's dehydrated, so keep up with misting or increase misting sessions. Ideally you want that blob to be white, not orange (it's like the urine half of his waste.)
All that orange signifies that he's dehydrated, so keep up with misting or increase misting sessions. Ideally you want that blob to be white, not orange (it's like the urine half of his waste.)

He doesnt move from the spot though, he is always up in the top left corner in the back of the cage, when its night time then he comes to the center of the cage but then when it is day time he goes back to the corner
So he is now allowing me to be in the same room when he eats but still puffs up when i try to get the bowl out, is this a good progress?
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