New chameleon


New Member
HI I'm micayla and I got a new chameleon on June 26th at petco. What are the chances that she was wild caught and has parasites. I fees her 11 banded crickets a day and she has all of her ribs showing no matter what and I feel horrible. She goes down to the bottom of the cage and I don't know if she's trying to nest or if she's hunting or just being curious. Can anyone tell me the age and just Conferm she's a girl as well? And if she's this thin could she still try to make eggs? I also put calcium without D3 on it everyday but I want to make sure there's not too much,it there a good rule of thumb?
Sorry for all these questions, she's my first chameleon and I want her to be as healthy and happy as possible


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She looks to young to produce eggs yet, if you take a picture of the back of her back legs we can tell if its a boy or a girl, usually they will have a little "spur" on the back of there back feet
It doesn't look like there are spurs but she might be too young. I'm guessing she's around 5 months so does that sound right?
Also should she have this many stripes? I thought females were duller


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Here are some more pictures


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She looks great. Just keep letting her eat what she wants at this age. You will need to slow it down a little in a few months.
My guess would be a little younger. Maybe 3-4 months. Real cutie though
When my cham was that age he would probably eat 20-25 crickets a day, along with treats (wax worms, silk worms, horn worms, super worms) in moderation.

I strongly suggest reading the following.
Read it, then read it again. Many of your questions will be answered here. There is specific care for females towards the bottom.

Hope this helps.
I already read it and it answered most questions, I just wanted feedback from others. What's the change she was wild caught. I got her from petco in ohio
Can't answer that one for you.
I would guess pretty slim as they are readily available and over breed.

I would also guess Female.
I think female too, she's extremely docile and shy. But she has a lot of color to her so I'm not sure. I'll probably have to put a lay bin in her cage around the beginning of September
I already read it and it answered most questions, I just wanted feedback from others. What's the change she was wild caught. I got her from petco in ohio
slim to none. Pet stores do not have wild caught animals. Also just as a side note, feed her as much as she will eat. Shes a growing girl and needs as much nutrients as possible. Offer her as many crickets or other feeders as she will eat in 10 minutes than offer her the same a little later, just not too close to bed time because she has to metobilize all of that and their metabolism slows down at night due to temp drops.
Shes a Female from what im seeing, she also looks around 3 months. Slim chance wild caught. Id say in about 3 months add a laying Bin my girl is pregnant and shes only 7 months old lol
I agree....3 month old female. This gives you several months to prepare for the day she is old enough to lay eggs. Spend alot of time one as many postings as possible and you will learn a lot. I read all of the New Posts daily so I can learn from other people's topics that I might need later as well as searching by topic and the various forums. You will learn more here than anywhere. Pay attention to what members tell you, especially the more established members. There are years of experience here.
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