Dyesub Dave
New Member
Hey Everybody,
I recently aquired 2 crested geckos. I was told that they were both males and that they were approx. 4 yrs. old. After reading that males should not be kept together but realizing that these two got along OK I brought them to the local pet shop to check. I'm 95% sure that they are both females which is good news for me because all I need to do is get a male now.
They came in a 14.5" x 14.5" x 25" flexarium with some decorations. I made a nesting box with a tupperware container and put some sphagnum moss and cocout fibre bedding in it and keep it fairly moist. I've been feeding them fruit blend baby food and smushed up banana. I tried mixing some gecko diet with the baby food but they don't seem to be eating it. I've tried crickets as well but I'm not sure if they're eating those either. I put about 5 or 6 in last weekend which were still in there for quite a while. I put 3 in the other night and haven't seen them but haven't searched the enclosure either. I mist them twice a day and every other day put a warm damp towel over the back of the enclosure to help with humidity.
I have a 30 gal. aquarium that I was thinking of putting vertically and getting a mesh door for to help with the humidity. I would like to see what other people who have cresties have for their setups. Also ... any other food options or ideas would be welcomed. I tried unsweetened applesauce but they didn't seem to show any interest.
BTW - How long does baby food last in the fridge??
I've attached a pic of these geckos.
Dyesub Dave.
I recently aquired 2 crested geckos. I was told that they were both males and that they were approx. 4 yrs. old. After reading that males should not be kept together but realizing that these two got along OK I brought them to the local pet shop to check. I'm 95% sure that they are both females which is good news for me because all I need to do is get a male now.
They came in a 14.5" x 14.5" x 25" flexarium with some decorations. I made a nesting box with a tupperware container and put some sphagnum moss and cocout fibre bedding in it and keep it fairly moist. I've been feeding them fruit blend baby food and smushed up banana. I tried mixing some gecko diet with the baby food but they don't seem to be eating it. I've tried crickets as well but I'm not sure if they're eating those either. I put about 5 or 6 in last weekend which were still in there for quite a while. I put 3 in the other night and haven't seen them but haven't searched the enclosure either. I mist them twice a day and every other day put a warm damp towel over the back of the enclosure to help with humidity.
I have a 30 gal. aquarium that I was thinking of putting vertically and getting a mesh door for to help with the humidity. I would like to see what other people who have cresties have for their setups. Also ... any other food options or ideas would be welcomed. I tried unsweetened applesauce but they didn't seem to show any interest.
BTW - How long does baby food last in the fridge??
I've attached a pic of these geckos.
Dyesub Dave.