New enclosure lighting help please ?


New Member
We have just moved our 8 month old panther chameleon into his adult enclosure it's a screen enclosure 2x2x4 he has been in it a week tomorrow and seems to really like it but just wanted some advice on his lighting. We are using a 60w heat basking bulb in a exo terra clamp lamp holder suspended above the top and a 5 UVB linear bulb on the top aswell is this ok as we are a bit worried it might not be bright enough for the enclosure ? It's lights up most of the enclosure but is a shaded nearer the bottom and he often sits right at the top of the cage. How far away should the bulbs be ? He has a large umbrella plant and a small ficus plant he loves sitting at the top of his umbrella plant as this is where the basking spot is. The temp is between 84-86 at the top is this ok ?

Any help would be much appreciated thanks Lizzie
85 is the perfect basking temp. for a panther. How long is your UVB light? You can get a double fixture and put a regular florescent bulb in one side and the UV in the other....this will give you more light or some people use a plant light and the UVB.
Thanks for your reply I'm
glad the temp is ok that's right at the top about middle is 75 to 70 is this ok. Yea going to see how he gets on as it Is just shaded at the bottom but might get another light if it starts affecting his plants.does the uv have to be a certain distance above the top of the cage for it to be effective ? His spit bulb is about 8 inches above where he basks but the uv bulb sits on top of the cage so is slot closer ?
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