New Female Sugar Glider Sophie


Established Member
We just got her in, fresh off the boat or ah plane.



Girl Girl love the first night!!! Kind of thought they might start off scared or aggressive but not at all. Kisses, grooming, chirping and when it was all over they both went and fell asleep in the same sleeping bag.

Awwww! Congrats! How absolutely adorable is she?! What 'morph' is she? I love seeing different coloured gliders - I would love a Leucistic, but they are virtaully unheard of in the UK. I had 2 of the little sweeties over 10 years and as cute as they are they can be rather messy!
She is a 2nd generation "White Face Blonde"... with 33% leucistic het genetics (she is registered on TPG database, and you can see her entire family tree up to 10 generations worth of lineage... its pretty awesome) The database not only helps keep track of lineage and genetics, but also prevents inbreeding which is great. When she's old enough to have a boyfriend, we will probably get a leucistic or platinum male and the girls can share him :p But that's a long while away, shes only 12 weeks old.
As one can see the wife/supergirl answers most of the glider questions. It is mainly her research with these little girls.
Snookie our first one seemed to be always nervous. She would crab, bark, run, and bite. She was friendly but not like she is now. They say "Two are better than one". Well in this case for sure. They both are extremely clean, quiet, calm and not too much of a head ache.
Sophie is still getting adjusted to us, our scents, voices, and times of operations. She doesn't care for being waken up from either one of us. Waking her up while she is asleep cause her to crab loudly.
All and all they have really surprised me as being good creatures to care for. Thankx everyone for all the great comments and positive input.

We shall keep everyone posted.
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