New guys just wants to say hi.


New Member
Hello fellow Chameleon lovers! I have two veiled chameleons one male named Shredder and a female named April. i have them housed in a 40 breeder vivarium with a home made 2' top. and they roam around the house more then they do their tank. they are very friendly and tame, when i take them out to the stores in the summer people are always surprised to see how well they are to be handled. im very proud to be an owner and take such good care of these two and i have been looking to expand my knowledge on chameleons and my search lead me here. i hope i can contribute and receive just as much know how from everyone else here.


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hi and welcome.
why do you have water at the bottom of your enclosure?
your chams could drown.

also are they housed together constantly?
Hi and welcome. How old are your chams?
I think they will need separate housing soon, as the male will want to mate constantly, get territorial etc.
looks a good set up, I'd be scared silly they'd drown though.
You'll find some great info here.
Welcome to the forums! You came to the right place to learn more about chameleons. There is a lot to learn here and I'm sure you will find that out soon. Their cage looks ok..... Um why is there a lake in their cage? I've heard of too many stories of chams drowning in tiny little puddles in their cage, I would remove that before one of your chams drowns!!! Not to mention how much bacteria that builds up. How often do you clean their cage? Secondly you should not house two chameleons in the same enclosure especially one that small. Generally both of them need their own 2x2x4 foot screen enclosure. They may may seem alright together but chameleons are very territorial animals and will occasionally stumble upon another chameleon in the wild to mate. Your female most likely is pretty stressed out constantly being around another male. Also be prepared for your female to lay eggs, because I'm assuming they have mated if they live together. Do some research around the forums and make the nessecary adjustments to your husbandry and I'm sure your chams will live a long healthy lives!
They have been housed together for 7 months the female is never stressed no dark coloration or hissing no gaping mouth so im not concerned until i see some aggressive behavior she actually sleeps ontop of his back or against him. I do plan on breeding eventually and if it happens i am prepared. i would like to keep them together in closet enclosure later down the line I have heard you can keep them together so long as they show no signs of aggressiveness to one another/ constant mating.

the male has been in the tank with the water and waterfall for over a year with no issues. i change the water every week and have a filter in there. I actuly catch them swimming under the water for fish and stuff so i donno about the drowning part they hold on to the drift wood and dunk their heads in and everything ill try to get a video of this behavior.

the water and waterfall was for a vivarium idea but it failed due to my chamels eatting all the live plants
Really awesome setup, very unique. It seems to more replicate nature than most I've seen. They seem very calm with each other and healthy so it would appear everything you are doing is okay.
I have also seem chameleons swim in the wild before so I don't think drowning will really be an issue.
The only thing I would worry about is bacteria, but like you said you change their water and have a filter. It looks like they have a really nice home, congrats.
Really awesome setup, very unique. It seems to more replicate nature than most I've seen. They seem very calm with each other and healthy so it would appear everything you are doing is okay.
I have also seem chameleons swim in the wild before so I don't think drowning will really be an issue.
The only thing I would worry about is bacteria, but like you said you change their water and have a filter. It looks like they have a really nice home, congrats.

Thank you for the compliment :D

i havent really thought of the bacteria too much though. i did read that just like turtles chamels like to releave themself in water so i bought some shrimp and catfish to help break down the feces maybe on my new build ill do a shallow river vs pool of water. so i can keep it changed more regularly and less defecation in the water. and so noone can say they will drown.. but if they stress out after my new build its because they miss their swims XD

swear my male bobs his head up and down and turns so bright and just dives in and expands his body and floats then he will grab a log or wire and just bury his head in the water its so ridiculous *like watching a bird in a bird bath.* and the female just watches him then every now and again she wall walk around in the water.
the male has been in the tank with the water and waterfall for over a year with no issues. i change the water every week and have a filter in there. I actuly catch them swimming under the water for fish and stuff so i donno about the drowning part they hold on to the drift wood and dunk their heads in and everything ill try to get a video of this behavior.

Definitely try to get a video because that sounds absolutely ADORABLE!!!!:p
I wasn't having a dig at you, just wondering how it works and if you was aware of the risks etc. pet shops are quite bad at giving wrong info out and we believe them.
Great that it works for you.
XD trust me i dont mind the pokes at me i prefer it, i mean it is good to see others give me feed back vs not saying anything or just backlashing me so bad ill want to slit my wrist afterwards. this will give me a chance to rethink a new build and possibly do less water for less risk in the long run.

kath i plan on turning my closet into a enclosure soon. i do want a waterfall because my chamels love sitting by it to drink and let the water run down them. think i should just go with less of a pool of water say maybe instead of 5 inches of water do 1 or 2 or should i do a false botom and hide the water and find away to make the water pass through without them getting in it. also if i had a misting system do you think i would need a waterfall?
I think if you had a misting system, you wouldn't need the waterfall.
You say they roam out of their enclosure? Like free range at times? Maybe you could incorporate a water feature out of the enclosure so they can still have a dip and do what they like doing, while you're around.
You may like the look and see your Cham drinking from it, but it's not worth it. So many health hazards are at stake. If he falls, he could drown, there's bacteria, it will turn into a toilet. I think you should go with the safest alternative of using a bare bottom. I was a it confuses on whether or not you did, but dont house them together.
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