New here... My introduction :-)


New Member
I recently acquired a 1.1 and a 1.2 trio of bearded pygmy chams.

I currently breed dart frogs and have for about 4 years now. Along with my darts I have a couple different tree frogs that I hope to breed this year.

Here is some pics






Beautiful. WE want to do a PDF setup later on. I just got a RETF right now and he is my awesome fella. Wanna get him a buddy but too many scam artists these days and pet stores are just ridiculous..

Id be interested in seeing pics of your setup.
Oh yea, you had those pics up in the pygmy enclosure forum. Very cute ;)

Still wanna see enclosure pics. Mine is quote simple, but I don't have PDFs. I attempted to create a home once using foam that hardened and air plants.. Didn't go so well... A guy makes them custom in Nashville and charges a CrAzY amount...

I know someone else did a great setup, step by step.. I think it was one of the site sponsors for a misting system..
Some set up pics.

I have shyed away from the GS foam back grounds. They only last about 3 years and start to fall apart in such humid conditions.



Nice intro and Nice pictures! That first frog is trippy! Kinda looks fake :D Welcome to the site
I love the first ones Toes.. They look translucent in spots?

Id love to breed my Red eye but have to figure out how first..or what gender it is! :)

Maybe in a few years when we are PDF ready, Ill look you up and see if you have any babies for sale ;)
Welcome to the forums (=

Would help if you posted your Location, might even be able to sell some frogs to us hobbyists :)


I updated my profile to include my location :)

The first frog is my giant waxy bicolors. I love them guys. They are so lazy.

PDF are so much easier than red eyes.

Here is a pic of some of my red eyes when they were froglets



The last one looks like mine.:) Yea, Im getting 3 more sometimes this week, but they are babies and have to be quarantined for awhile. I still havent figured out how to sex them..Guess thats whats google is for eh? :)
Hi there, gorgeous frogs, and chams. Actually I'm interested in getting a couple of dart frogs meself. Could you PM me with some info, please:D
The last one looks like mine.:) Yea, Im getting 3 more sometimes this week, but they are babies and have to be quarantined for awhile. I still havent figured out how to sex them..Guess thats whats google is for eh? :)

Mainly you sex them by size. There is no way to sex babies. How old is your you have now?

sure I can pm you... what kind of info are you looking for?

Or you can just pm me your questions or ask on here and I will help with what I can
Beautiful frogs and chameleons. Welcome to the forum!! What type of frog is the brown one with yellow spots?

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