Finally... this question goes back to gut loading. Is there a complete at least semi complete gut loading product you can buy and not worry about buying 50 different types of veggies to properly gut load? I only plan one getting one chameleon so I won't have a massive stock of feeders (probably only 100/week is my guess) so making this gut load good will cost much more than the crickets and probably take more of my time than the chameleon...
I can't help with your misting or free range questions because I do it the easy and cheap way (hand mist, in a cage). I mentioned the commercial gutload products that have the best reputation already. Repashy Bug Burger is the one I use. It's a powder that you mix with water. Some fresh veggies are needed as well because as you've guessed there is no totally complete one that can satisfy us Cham owners
Looking after feeders is what keeping a cham is all about - no getting away from it. When you start gutloading fruit flies to feed to your mantis to feed to your cham you will have truly gone too far.......