New panther chammie! Dull colors and a bit skinny... Am I being a decent owner?


So I recently found myself at a pet store notorious for neglecting it's animals. Almost every time I go there I'm pointing out some poor, dead, dragon or tegu. This time they had this poor baby in the corner. I couldn't leave him. I know that chams are hard work, but I went ahead and dedicated myself to Phillip and bought him and his set up.
He's not changed colors. He makes attempts to mimic my dusty pinks and rose colors i wear, but he's usually darker greens and white.
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - panther chammie, I'm pretty sure he's male, he pooped and had that red butt tube that went back in. I think he's older. He's pretty big.
  • Handling - not often. I have to give him retiaid at the moment so I take him out to give him that. Hes still a bit feisty so I don't want to stress him out.
  • Feeding - he doesn't like crickets at all. I've introduced new food to the crickets. Sweet potato, super greens, honey crisp apple, carrot.. still is only eating the superworms. I have gutloaded soldier flies and horn worms and wax worms on the way.
  • Supplements - herpivite, retiaid, and the calcium supplement that came with the kit.
  • Watering - he has a drip that stays on a bundle of leaves in the corner to keep those wet overnight, my boyfriend and I mist about 4 times a day. Maybe more. Basically when we see the cage about dry we saturate it with a mister. He's home all day so he's really taken good care of Phillip.
  • Fecal Description - a little runny, but not as runny as the diarrhea picture on the forums. Urate was a bit dark a few days ago. Yesterday it looked nice and white.
  • History - poor baby has probably been through the ringer at Mr Pet Man.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - screen, it's the one that comes with the starter kit but I'm ordering him a custom cage from customcages.combto go with my hybrid ball python tank
  • Lighting - I don't know the wattage. It's the blue daylight and uv bulb that comes with the Chameleon starter kit by zoomed
  • Temperature - it stays about 85-90 in his basking area depending on if the living room fan is on or not.
  • Humidity - I don't have a humidity measuring device. Yet. But there's a young dracaena in his cage, I mist often, and keep the drip on and mist if I leave. Bf is home most of the day so he mistake if he notices the cage is Dry. Also want to point out I live in Florida. It's naturally humid here. I have issues breathing when I go to dry areas so I understand Phillips needs lol
  • Plants - dracaena and I have pothos coming.
  • Placement - in the corner of the living room. My bf has his mancave, my son has his room, and I work a lot. Our house isn't highly visited and there's a false tree between his cage and the door. Our house is relatively quiet. I plan on moving him into our Florida room when I get a bigger cage and a nice high dresser to put him on.
  • Location - Florida. Tropical climate. I live in a swampy area.


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More pics of him


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Is this good? I can't get him off the branch without stressing.


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And thanks for the welcome. I'll be more active in other forums once I get this sussed out. I just don't want to kill my first chammie
It probably wasn't the best idea to get a sickly chammie but I couldn't just leave him to die :( that's how I got my snake and I've had her since '07.
My vote is for female as well. Those kits are a good starting point but lack many essential items for proper husbandry. One thing though, you don't need the dripper to run at night. I highly recommend a MistKing system, they are pricey but worth it in the long run. Get rid of the blue bulb and just use a simple household incandescent. I monitor my temps with a digital temperature gun, they are pretty cheap on Amazon.
And this is just my .02 but try to avoid buying animals from pet stores that aren't receiving proper care. You may think you are 'rescuing or adopting' but more than likely there will be another animal in it's place. Thus continuing the cycle. Also start reading up on laying bins, since you may have a female. Good luck with your new buddy!
The colors are very subdued, but I swear I can see a hemipenal bulge in that last pic you sent.
Also fyi, chameleons do not change colors to match their surroundings, so the colors you wear will not affect the colors of your cham

I posted the panther caresheet in case you havent read through it yet. The resource section has a lot of great articles to help you out with chameleon care.

As for the sex of your cham, its hard to tell with that photo. Coloration is similar to a female but im not sure if males have there adult coloring at that size. If you can get a profile ( Side view) of the base of the tail, we can tell for sure. The photo you posted is a bit of an awkward angle to tell for sure.
Thank you guys so much for your help!
I'll try to get more pictures up but I went ahead and found a vet in my area that deals with exotics and one of the vets owns several veiled chams! He's their on site reptile expert and I got super lucky! I'm scheduling an appointment tomorrow. I'll let you guys know if it's still Phillip Collins or if it's going to be Phillicia Collins lol.
Also, I'd like to add when I came home from work he was leaning on the branch less. He was upright and more alert. I think he/she's doing a lot better. He's a bit dark because he was basking. I think he may be a bit younger and may be hitting puberty.....


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I know that it is hard to get good pictures of most chameleons successful since they usually hate the camera, but most of the pictures that you have posted makes it hard to tell sex. The tail in the tail base pictures you sent was squashed unproportionately by the branch inder the tail for instance. From what the face looks like I think it is a male. But am not 100% sure. Post us a bunch more pictures of the entire body and especially of the tail straight behind the body with the base of the til not touching anything. Thanks!
Dude. Haaaates it. He's gotten comfortable around me thank goodness. Mixed emotions. He doesn't hiss or shy away much but it's harder to get him his medicine. :(
Okay I'll disturb him. He's just settled in right now I feel bad.


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Thank guys now I can't move


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