New panther


Avid Member
Just was wondering a locale?


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It's hard to tell yet without some colorization. But my money is on that's it's a panther :ROFLMAO:


Lazereth is right is hard to tell what locale it is without seeing predominant colors...even then a guess can be a crap shoot. Can you contact the breeder you got him from and ask....or is that not an option??
Yeh, I knew that from reading through the forums, but I have tried to email the breeder and haven't gotten a response, so I thought I'd see if anyone here would be able to give me more information.
That sucks.

When you bought him, did he send you picks of the sire?? If you had that picture then we could tell you. Or at least 50% of his locality.
No, I only got age.... It's crummy, I just wanted to know more but he was awesome! So I bought him anyway! He just shed today so mabye get new pictures in the morning?
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