New Veiled Chameleon!


New Member
I have just got a new veiled chameleon but have no pictures as he is still settleing in.
I have not got a name for him/her yet so suggestions are welcome.
I do not know what sex he/she is because i was told they were too young but if you can sex it from the pictures that i will upload tommorow that will be very helpful.
Josh :)
I have a bad feeling that if whoever you got it from told you it cannot be sexed because it is too young that they gave you alot of other bad advice also. Veileds can be sexed right after they hatch. If he has a small bump on the back of his "heel" than it is male. What are you keeping him in? What is your lighting, heating, and temp range like? Supplements? Glad you found the forum, we are here to help!
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look for spurs on the back feet if there are little dot looking things on them it is a male :)


thats what you are looking for on males but smaller since its a baby
I am keeping it in a 30x30x45 (cm) with a heating infared bulb and a UVB, I also have a heating mat on one side so it has a gradient in the cage, The hotter side is around 90-93 and the rest is about mid 80's. It is a Glass cage (Exo Terra) but i will buy a bigger one in a few months.
I am keeping it in a 30x30x45 (cm) with a heating infared bulb and a UVB, I also have a heating mat on one side so it has a gradient in the cage, The hotter side is around 90-93 and the rest is about mid 80's. It is a Glass cage (Exo Terra) but i will buy a bigger one in a few months.

If he is very young you need to back those tempps way down, esp in a glass cage. Babies can dehydrate fast. Infrared is not good either I am afraid, chams associate white light with basking heat. Babies need a hot side in the low 80's and a cool side in the low 70's as well as NO heat or light at night. Heating mats are not used in cham keeping. How are you watering, what are you feeding, how are you supplementing.
UVB is very important also-compact coil type bulbs are dangerous.
Okay he is only a month old so i will change the temperatures down.
I mist his cage for drink and i have small crickets loose in the cage so he can catch them when he/she wants i am not supplementing at the moment as i got him/her today but will get supplements tommorrow.
You should get in contact with some of the other UK members and see where you can get a screen cage. that exoterra is just askin for trouble.
One month is very, very young. Make sure your temps are about 80 degrees at the highest, and that requires a good digital thermometer or you will end up cooking him. leaving crickets running around is also not a good idea-they will bite babies and if they are in there they are not gutloaded and nutritious after 24 hours. Correct UVB and supplements are essential for proper bone growth at this age.
Yep, The temperatures are at low 70's and low 80's, and i will go up to my local pet shop today and try get some supplements.what do you mean by gutloaded?
Yep, The temperatures are at low 70's and low 80's, and i will go up to my local pet shop today and try get some supplements.what do you mean by gutloaded?

Your chameleon is eating what your crickets eat so to speak. Gutloading is feeding your crix a good meal before feeding to your chameleon. There are commercial gutloads here is the US that I use along with fresh veggies like leaf lettuce, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc...
As for supplements it is common to use 3-
1.a phosphorous free calcium without D3-for babies I use this 4-5X weekly
2. a phosphorous free calcium with D3-I use 2X monthly for babies
3. a multivitamin/mineral like Herptivite-Iuse 2-3Xmonthly for babies
Dust very lightly and never use any of the above at the same time.

The other highly important thing is your UVB bulb-what type are you using? These need to be replaced every 6-9 months.
look for spurs on the back feet if there are little dot looking things on them it is a male :)


thats what you are looking for on males but smaller since its a baby

I have looked today and i cannot see a spur to speak of but i may be wrong so from now i will assume it is a girl.
they should look like ankles, if not then you most likely have a female. and if you have a female make sure that you know what you are in store for. females take more care than males.
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