Silkworms ARE NOT GROSS. These guys are the only ones i will even touch. My granddaughter (age 11) wants to keep one as a pet, go figure. Now if we can just figure out how not to keep killing them we will be all set. I've tried the net method before and it works greattttt.
I got a few thousand last week from
thus far they're working out much better than the previous species
The die off is much less than what I remember
growth rate on fresh leaves is great... all the critters gobble them up
i second the jeweled chameleon's post.
i almost ran out of zebra silkies (I bought 150), and so far i have lost 4.. only 4!!!!
But, it could also be like Mr.Weldon said.. The one that i have might just happened to be a strong one.
Grasserie is a nasty disease!
Idk if this can also affect in reducing the risk of bacterial contamination. But, ever since i switch from feeding them chow to the real mulberry leaves, i have less casualties. I am just lucky. Eversince i move to a new house, I found a nice neighbor who is extremely frustrated with their (big and flourishing) mulberry tree. The wife is always complaining about how the leaves often make a mess in their backyard.
Now, I am officially their part time gardener known as the weird guy next door who breed silkworms.
OMGoodness, i am such a dork!
agreed grasserie sux, seems like once they start getting it, i cant stop the spread. bigger containers helped a little bit but now that im switching to leaves instead of chow, hopefully it will make a difference.
I got 3 shoe boxes full of eggs on the sides floor everywhere they are all hatching aswell but I didnt know that they could hatch if you could put them in the fridge for 3 mnths then take them out and they will hatch mine I breed like the moths lay eggs then die In september then eggs hatch in september the next year but they have hatched earlier and actualy the males are stripped females plain white and youll probably find you have more males than females, WAY MORE.
I have got millions and counting and theres no silkworm chow here Its winter here so theres no mulberry leaves so im using lettuce and they eat but take long to grow, but theyr getting there.
And I get them basicly for free.
there is nothing better than real leaves for those cute little buggers. I grew up raising them as pets myself!
I have both regs and zebras right now. I see no diff at all, in fact, the zebras took one day longer to hatch. Are a bit smaller and the hatch rate is less than the regs.... I ordered the same amt of eggs.
I think it is just a marketing gimmick.
however, at 3/4 to 1" length my zebras are black, NOT stripped.. I think I ended up getting reverse zebras..well, I wont' complain cuz they are cool looking.
As a child, in Asia, we got only the white regs. However, occasionaly one of the worms would spin gold cocoon.. and those were highly treasured... they were really rare.
Handling both at the same time, to me, the zebras are softer and seem weaker. Heck, they are rare and more expensive, how does that make them stronger???
btw, silks do not stink. They have a pleasant smell when fed on leaves. The ones that come with the chow smells sour. THey thrive on leaves.. with chow, they die off thanks to the mold and the bacteria. I never lost a silk except to occasional injury..