Newbie needs advice


New Member
Hi. I'm completely new to the hobby and have been a bit baffled with the amount of conflicting advice I have read on various sites. I purchased a 6-8 week old Veiled Cham (male) last week with a full set-up from my local pet store. I would like to confirm what I was sold is suitable and hopefully clear up a few doubts I have.

The set-up I was sold was an Exo Terra 12x12x18 vivarium with Exo bulbs and glow reflector. There is a 25w daylight basking lamp and a Repti Glo 5.0 compact bulb. There is some artificial plants and jungle vines for him to climb on. There was also a heat mat that I didn't install and plantation soil that I haven't used. I know this is way too small for him as he grows and I will need to get something at least 24x24x48 in a few months time.

Are these bulbs suitable for my needs until I upgrade to a larger viv?

Should I install the heat mat? The climate is pretty cold in Scotland.

What substrate is best for me? At the min I just have kitchen towel. I have also ordered reptile carpet or should I use the plantation soil. Some people recommend it and others say not to use it.

It seems screened vivs are preferable for ventilation but would that still be ok in a colder climate or would the glass exo terra vivs or similar be easier to regulate temp and humidity? There is a mesh top and air vents on the front to allow ventilation.

I am feeding him mostly black and brown crickets lightly dusted in calci-dust 6 days a week and once a week with nutrabol. I also give him a wax worm once every 2 or 3 days and plan to get small hoppers when the pet store gets more in. Is this suitable for a young cham?

Should I keep basking temps lower because he is young? At the minute its at 90 degrees.

Should humidity be about 50%?

I have added a pic of Sergio in his current set-up. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

how are you providing water? You either have to mist or have a dripper. I am seeing what looks like a water dish at the bottom? Chameleons do not recognize standing water and there fore will not drink out of bowls. JannB Gave you great information so hopefully that will get you on the right track. Welcome to the forums and chameleon ownership!!!
Hello Dave, welcome to the forum :) It looks like most of what you got will do you fine for until he needs a bigger Viv.
You shouldn't really need the heat mat at all, and a cham is very unlikely to drink from your water bowl (might as well keep it for a worm dish though)
Your basking temp is a bit too high for a little one, you are ok with paper towels or reptile carpet but you don't need any substrate at all. Most people will recommend not to have anything that could be accidentally eaten in there.
Check how cold it gets at night in the room where you keep him, if it gets below 60F then you should get some kind of additional heating (not a light bulb though, not even one of the red ones ).
The foods you have are fine, provided you gutload and supplement well. I think the nutrabol is without d3, right? If so you will want a calcium powder that has d3 for twice a month. A reptile multi vit for once or twice a month would be good too.
Variety is especially good for chams ( and fun too :)) He'll probably love some fruit flies as well......
The caresheet Jannb posted covers it, but here's one especially for Veileds -
and a great starter for gutloads -
Thanks David and Carol. I'm loving having a chameleon. It's like a having new addition to the family. :)

The water bowl is only for decoration and I thought it might help a little with the humidity. I mist the viv at least 4 times a day or if I see the humidity dropping below 50%. I also have been trying to get him to drink from the spray bottle by gently spraying/dripping next to his mouth. He doesn't seem to mind much but does not normally drink until I stop. I also place ice cubes on the roof to drip onto the plants.

The Nutrobal contents per gram are 200mg calcium & 150IU D3 plus vitamins A E K B1 B2 B6 B12 C, folic, nicotinic & pantothenic acids. Does this cover all his needs on top of the Calci dust?

I looked into getting fruit flies but my local shop doesn't stock them. They are getting me size 2 and 3 hoppers for Friday. I saw the fruit flies on ebay, whats the best way to serve them up? Is just a case of leaving the container in the viv? I take it they are too small to dust.

I have been trying to decide the best viv to go for next. I quite liked the look of the vivexotic ax range vivs ( Are u familar with them and are they suitable ventilation wise?

One other thing I wanted to ask was if you could recommend a decent book for them?

I also checked out your pics in your profile David. Some good photos there. I especially like the one with the male standing on top of the parasol. Great pic. :)
Check out the sponsors list on this website. There are several there that specialize in feeders, and I know at least one or two that you can mail-order fruit fly cultures from. Baby cams LOVE fruit flies, but they outgrow them quick. HOUSEFLIES are really fun to watch baby cams eat, if you get a culture of them too.

Also in terms of how you feed them the fruitflies, you stick the fruit fly container in the fridge for 5 minutes. This slows them down a bunch. Then you just open the container and brush a bunch of them into your chameleon's feeding cup, and then put the cup in the cage. I'm not sure about dusting them, I never tried dusting fruit flies.
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I also checked out your pics in your profile David. Some good photos there. I especially like the one with the male standing on top of the parasol. Great pic. :)
Thanks :)
I would cut the nutrobal to twice a month then, with plain calcium everyday. A multivit in addition would do no harm, but isn't totally vital.
I never used vivexotics myself, but the arboreal ones look nice - I would be a bit concerned there wasn't enough ventilation though......not really sure.......
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