Nice Incubator

Let me go ahead and say that thingeek is amazing with AMAZING customer service. I can't vouch for the product, but I can vouch for the seller.

My better half gets me a handful of stuff from there every holiday season, and I am never disappointed with how randomly amazing it is and how well they handle their service.
Aren't those the exact same product with different outside cases? Look at where the buttons (shape too), inside vents, digital screen, etc are on each.
ACKKK I just spent 1/2 hour browsing through the site and I'm still not done looking at the geeky stuff. Great site!
That's awesome! A great exapmle of repackaging and repricing. I love finding stuff like that. I bet it would work very well, too. Not much capacity, though. Would be ideal for a small breeder, I bet. If temps are controlled well.

I pointed my friend mike at Thinkgeek when we were building his computer. He got a cigarette lighter for his computer. It slides in just like a DC burner. Got a cupholder, too.

I can appreciate that, despite hating smoke. It's just a perfect useless but ridiculous thing.

I'm probably going to fabricate a big incubator in the future. I'll use an old, broken deep freezer or refrigerator. Good seal, insulated, easy access. Larger volumes are more stable. If there is a power failure in a heater, a big space would be safer. I've never had more than 4 clutches incubating at once, but I plan on getting some melleri eggs eventually. And that would require space.

Plus, with a tall refrigerator, you could set the thermostat at the top or bottom, giving a temp gradient. Great form mixed species eggs - phelsuma on top, eggs needing cool temps on the bottom.

When I do it, I plan on going all out (but cheap). It should be interesting.
IMHO I think it is either a heater or a cooler...not a thermostat that can be dialed in to a temperature. The only good ones I have seen have been $600+

I know someone who uses these for incubating eggs and keeping feeders... It does fluctuate in temp a couple of degrees up or down... but so do hovabators... so...... this is just more high tech.
i am wondering how useful that would be to me. it gets really warm/dry here in arizona, even harder to maintain a good constant temperature in the house that isn't in teh 80's..
Yeah, the more I think about it, $99 would be great for piece of mind when incubating a couple (maybe 4?) clutches of montanes, not to mention much less energy use than air conditioning a room or house. Hmmm....I might just have to get into quads again!
This would work really well and isn't too expensive.
I know this is not a new idea ... Elisa, is this what you're using?
Just thought I'd share the link.

hey brad you are a genius thank you so much this solves all my problems and only 100bucks i was gonna buy a wine fridge to cool eggs of montaine species but this can warm too never knew somthing like this existed(other than high dollar incubators ): my order will be in asap thanks again for posting stuff like this please keep it up buddy!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Brad... I don't know if Elisa saw this yet, But I am 99% sure those are exactly what she is using. Just like Kevin said, I was told they do have a few degree fluctuation. Seems cool, I have never tried one.

I actually have an old mini fridge that I broke the coolant line ontryin to chissel out the caked in ice. So one of the next few days I am hoping to convert that thing into an incubator. I will post pics of the process once I do this.

Actually I remember BMXICAN has one of these, he is incubating panther eggs. I hope he sees this post and gives us his feedback. My question is for those (like my self) with 4 clutches of 20+ea, would this be enough? Also, I read the reviews and it seems it stops working after a few months, not even a year. So kind of risky IMO.
Actually I remember BMXICAN has one of these, he is incubating panther eggs. I hope he sees this post and gives us his feedback. My question is for those (like my self) with 4 clutches of 20+ea, would this be enough? Also, I read the reviews and it seems it stops working after a few months, not even a year. So kind of risky IMO.

From what I have seen of these I don't think they would be big enough for that many eggs. They are actually pretty small. I see maybe 1-3 clutches max depending on the size on species. Unless this is a bigger version than what I have seen.
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