No colors on six month old ambilobe panther?

I wish there was a way to report this company. They're not accredited with the BBB and have an "F" rating.
AFAIK, accreditation is not required in order to file a complaint.
I looked them up earlier on BBB and found:, NJ&find_text=cb reptiles&page=1&touched=1

Don't understand that.

I sent you some other options earlier this morning. FTC was in the article I cited.

How can I ensure she's a great fit without implying anything negative or being rude? I just want make 100% sure she's a great fit and my female goes to a great home.
"I was curious about how you set up your enclosure. Could you email me a pic of it?"
I was confused by that too! When I originally returned the destroyed Reptibreeze XL, they made me send it to this "Tortoise Town". I called them to find out when my new one was arriving because I never received a response, and it was the exact same voicemail greeting as CBreptile.

UPDATE: CBReptile is giving me a $50 refund for the extra $$$ I paid. That's it because their terms state that "sex isn't guaranteed". They also claim to be right about "80% of the time". Sucks for the 20% like me. I'm so angry.
Rage.exe is running
I didn't see this policy anywhere when I first purchased her. Had I known, I never would've placed this order. I wish there was a way to report this company. They're not accredited with the BBB and have an "F" rating.

I noticed on the Kammerflage website that they show you EXACTLY what you're getting. I'm impressed! It shows when they were born, their lineage, and a detailed description. I sent them a message last night. I'm going to buy one.

I met a woman at Petco awhile back who had an adult Veiled chameleon. We made small chit chat while we both waited for an employee to get us crickets (this was before I discovered Dubia roaches) and she mentioned that she always wanted a panther chameleon when I mentioned having one. She said her veiled was a rescue and it was obvious that she was very passionate about reptiles and loved her veiled. I asked for her number because I had received rediculously huge hornworms from as a free gift/sample. I couldn't use them due to their size so I met her a day later and gave them to her. I messaged her this morning and asked if she would be interested. She said yes. How can I ensure she's a great fit without implying anything negative or being rude? I just want make 100% sure she's a great fit and my female goes to a great home.
If you ask Kammerflage to call you, they will, unlike CB. My first email to them was expressing my concern about purchasing through them because of what we had experienced with CB. They called me that night and we talked for a good 30+ minutes, it was very reassuring to me.
We are sad that you had a bad experience with them also. We too, fell prey to their tactics, just wish I had known about this forum previously, it might of saved us the heartache of what we went through with CB. I’m willing to bet there are others on here that feel the same way we do. They as a company need to be taken down!!! I went to the Better Business Bureau‘s website, hoping that I could file a complaint with them about CB Reptile but CB is not listed with the BBB, so I can’t file with them. I’m currently researching how to get them offline, going to see if the FTC can do anything and also going to call/email Google to let them know. Just an FYI though, your panther is beautiful!!!
Yes, people should know to stay away! When i found out about kammerflage it was too late and i was actually in shock that you can see what you're getting plus you know the age!! And the way their chams look is just wow... another level of breeder!! Ill see in the future how it is, maybe ill buy a female, recently they had crazy beautiful females for sale. And thank you, i dont feel bad now, i feel like i rescued the poor fella from them!
Yes, people should know to stay away! When i found out about kammerflage it was too late and i was actually in shock that you can see what you're getting plus you know the age!! And the way their chams look is just wow... another level of breeder!! Ill see in the future how it is, maybe ill buy a female, recently they had crazy beautiful females for sale. And thank you, i dont feel bad now, i feel like i rescued the poor fella from them!
Do it! Buy a female!! ?
Yes, people should know to stay away! When i found out about kammerflage it was too late and i was actually in shock that you can see what you're getting plus you know the age!! And the way their chams look is just wow... another level of breeder!! Ill see in the future how it is, maybe ill buy a female, recently they had crazy beautiful females for sale. And thank you, i dont feel bad now, i feel like i rescued the poor fella from them!
Yes, you did rescue him.. he is gorgeous!! Happy he lived, most people aren’t that lucky.
Want to hear something funny?? And it’s only funny because CB has been a topic on here lately.

My husband posted a bad review on CBreptile a couple of days ago, now they’re trying to contact us to reconcile, hopefully it’s for a refund, because I would never buy anything from them again!!!! Unfortunately, there’s nothing they can do to make up for/take back the heartbreak and tears that were shed by my entire family because we couldn’t save our little guy. He was too young, sick and broken upon arrival. I’m surprised he lived for as long as he did.
Want to hear something funny?? And it’s only funny because CB has been a topic on here lately.

My husband posted a bad review on CBreptile a couple of days ago, now they’re trying to contact us to reconcile, hopefully it’s for a refund, because I would never buy anything from them again!!!! Unfortunately, there’s nothing they can do to make up for/take back the heartbreak and tears that were shed by my entire family because we couldn’t save our little guy. He was too young, sick and broken upon arrival. I’m surprised he lived for as long as he did.
Haven't had a chance to leave a bad review
Haven't had a chance to leave a bad review
Well, luckily yours lived and is beautiful!! But, if you have any vet bills because of how he was when you got him, they might give you some money back, maybe. I don’t know. You could try emailing them, not sure how far you’ll get, probably depends on the amount of communication you had with them concerning your little guy. We were constantly emailing them with concerns and they weren’t good at getting back with us, plus their answers were usually crap like “it’s normal” etc..... which he was not normal/healthy.

I’m not sure what they are going to offer me yet, been too busy to deal with them today. Hopefully it’s not a coupon because we have everything our baby Zelus needs. And as said previously, there’s nothing they can do to make up for what we went through.
Well, luckily yours lived and is beautiful!! But, if you have any vet bills because of how he was when you got him, they might give you some money back, maybe. I don’t know. You could try emailing them, not sure how far you’ll get, probably depends on the amount of communication you had with them concerning your little guy. We were constantly emailing them with concerns and they weren’t good at getting back with us, plus their answers were usually crap like “it’s normal” etc..... which he was not normal/healthy.

I’m not sure what they are going to offer me yet, been too busy to deal with them today. Hopefully it’s not a coupon because we have everything our baby Zelus needs. And as said previously, there’s nothing they can do to make up for what we went through.
Yes i got lucky with this one, 1st one like i said, died within the 1st 26 hrs. Soon as Scar(i think his name will stay Scar, even tho my 1.5 year old nephew calls him Coco all day long?) started showing colors "forgot" all about the bad experience hahah
Just got these pictures of my Kammerflage Chameleon Zelus. The second one, he was a little defensive but I got my quick pic and backed away, lol!!! He’s basically displayed every color a panther can display since we got him. He even turns purple in some spots. Which from what I’ve researched isn’t something that normally happens. My daughter says the second picture looks like a weather channel forecast, with cold weather moving through to the southwest and warm moving towards the northeast, lmao!!!


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Just got these pictures of my Kammerflage Chameleon Zelus. The second one, he was a little defensive but I got my quick pic and backed away, lol!!! He’s basically displayed every color a panther can display since we got him. He even turns purple in some spots. Which from what I’ve researched isn’t something that normally happens. My daughter says the second picture looks like a weather channel forecast, with cold weather moving through to the southwest and warm moving towards the northeast, lmao!!!
That's a very beautiful cham!!!
Yes i got lucky with this one, 1st one like i said, died within the 1st 26 hrs. Soon as Scar(i think his name will stay Scar, even tho my 1.5 year old nephew calls him Coco all day long?) started showing colors "forgot" all about the bad experience hahah
Totally didn’t see that your first one was lost. I’m sorry!!! I must of passed over it on accident. Love the name of your current baby though!!
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