Not met to sound offensive at all but please help


New Member
I was just wondering when you breed Yemen is there some way other then the cruel way of containing the amount of chameleons born? I would never ever hurt the little guys even in eggs, just cos I'm not keen on having heaps of babies just a few. But if there is no way then I won't breed them some people are cruel and suggested throwing some eggs away, that just seems wrong to me, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
They will require loads of fruit flies and other tiny insects, but don't need to bask at first. Why not get loads? There are ways of trying to keep the number of eggs laid down by altering the females diet, but they will often lay lots of eggs anyway (especially the first batch).
It's not that hard to raise a lot instead of a few, so I agree with not throwing any away, but don't see why not let them all live and get rid when they are old enough to be sold on?
Sorry I phrased my question wrong, I mean I know u can sell them but where I'm from no one wants to buy any or be given any, including the pet stores so I would have to let them out of captivity, see I want to only get another 8 or so and I was hoping that u could stop the Cham at 8 because I have buyers for 8 and im worried I might get stuck with 50 extras. I think incubating is fine, I just think it's cruel to like kill off some and only hatch some.
You can't stop it at 8, so either have to potentially get 60 or get none. Not any other option I can think of, since you don't want to abandon eggs.
I would try calling some whole salers and see if any of them are interested In buying your clutch, then just keep the 8 that you want and maybe put ad in classified
Not all eggs are always fertile anyways. The eggs can be tossed and turned every which way the first few days after being laid, why not throw them out at that point?
Hatch them out and send them to me I know someone that would love to have them :rolleyes:

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It sounds like you don't have a very good reason to breed them. Just tell those 8 people to buy one. I suggest one of our sponsors.
Not all eggs are always fertile anyways. The eggs can be tossed and turned every which way the first few days after being laid, why not throw them out at that point?

if a buyer is very close by..freshly laid eggs can be transported and sold off to still go incubate somplace else..if i where close to you ied buy some eggs from you..
I am experiementing with shipping eggs, and so far it looks promising.

ive really put thought into it too..they have the initial pause for at least a few days before they start to develop and cant be turned..if kept at a cool temp ied figure you could get a few days out of them if you moved fast and shipped them out (just cause no one has done it before doesent mean its impossible..) im sure there will be at least a few losses tho..
Where do you live where people dont want chameleons?
There must be some sort of demand for them, otherwise how would you even have the option to keep them and breed them?
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