"Not-So-Official" Name Thread!

This thread is where anybody can suggest names for new chameleon keepers.This will help new cham owners to pick and name there new cricket vacuums!:p In ten days I will pick a name for my little girl! You may also tell the new owners all of your chameleon(s) names and perhaps post a picture.Happy Posting!:)
I have two chameleons one is a blue bar ambilobe and the other one is a nosy be, they're names are ELVIS for the ambilobe and PRESLEY for the nosy be:rolleyes:

Jaeger. It's the German word (jagar) for hunter but had to spell a little different so people could pronounce it. His loving pet name is Turkey because he's a goofball.

"Cricket vacuum" made me laugh hard!
First there was Kai, who we named after Kaiju. Then we found out he was a she and we renamed her Kālī (who is the Goddess of Time, Change, and Destruction and Shiva's consort) . We then got our male very shortly after and named him Shiva. However, we felt that just one name wasn't appropriate for how grand our little ones are, so with time their names developed into:

Kālī Princess Kai-Baby Kalisi, Mother of Dragons (we wanted to keep part of her original name as she will always be our little Kai baby, we're Game of Thrones fans and her personality is very khaleesi-like, but we wanted to keep the spelling closer to her name)

Shiva Prince Primo Boy Drogo, The Chameleon that Mounts the World
(Shiva's sire is Primo and Primo Boy was how Bruce first referenced him to us, and he's our little Prince, and yes, we've mashed Game of Thrones references in his name together but we feel it fits his outgoing, i can conquer the world personality.)

Of course they both have their nicknames and terms of endearment but perhaps that is another post. Have we put too much time in thinking about their names? Maybe. Do we love our chameleons to pieces. Absolutely.
OK... Well, my male veiled is named Rebel. When I went to purchase him and the lady got him out of his cage he jumped and I caught him. My niece said' Well, hes a little rebel" and it stuck. This weekend we purchased (rescued) a tiny little female veiled and we named her Penelope but we call her Baby Girl. ( We are big Criminal Minds fans...lol) I know I am a little strange but I love my babies and so do my kids....They are part of our little family.. :cool:
Love it! That is awesome! Took me 3 or 4 weeks to name mt boy....hardest pet to name to date. I rather liked Turkey but that didn't fly to we'll so I use it when we have our one on one time, it's like his little super hero name that only the two of us know exists still. : )
There I finally got a pic.She is pretty young to have babies!
dj cham.jpg You guy have some pretty interesting names with interesting backgrounds of how you came up with them.....Game Of Thrones....
I named my veiled chameleon Freckles because of her blue "freckles"/dots that she has under her green color shes really pretty
My jackson chameleon's name is, Tricky. The name comes from the word "tri," as he has three horns, reminds me of a triceratops and is in the genus "trioceros." Why I particularly picked the name, "Tricky" was because I was thinking of the use of "tri," that name clicked because I remembered a video game I played, where you have a talking triceratops as a companion through your journey, who is named, Tricky. So in a way I suppose, he's named after the video game character from Star Fox Adventures. Plus, he's tricky to spot in his enclosure. :p I mentioned this on a similar thread a while back titled "Chamelon names. What's your chameleon's name?"
old school names

my boyfriend and i played around with old school names like jebediah (jeb), mortimer (morty), virgil, maurice, and ended up with solomon.
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