Hey I'm new to this forum so I'm not exactly sure if this is the right spot for my question but I have a 1year old female veiled chameleon(cami) she was egg bound when I got her I took her into a speacialised herp vet and had the eggs remove and she is now fixed she has been doing well since. That was done over 4 months ago. She is housed in a repta breeze cage 18x18x36 high. The humidity is between 60-70%. Humidity is provided by a visible cool mist humidifyer and is controlled by a zoomed reptotherm as well as the 100watt basking bulb. I have a reptisun 5.0 tubular UVB buld on top also she drinks well and eats great. There are two live plants both shefflera, along with fake bones and foliage. my question is why does she always stay a brownish color not the nice bright green color? Her whole set up is in a room that has no traffic.
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