odd things


New Member
I guess it would fall under health my 7 month vield cham went off feed i think so crickets are lose in tank like 3 or 4 he hasnt been near his heat lamp i think its due to the branch size near it hes in the in between from one plant to the next size idk its odd. For him hes been closer to the bottom latly and i gave him a shower with luke warm water to help shedd a small amount of skin off him and seen him at the base of the plant digging is this common i added grape vines today


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Is he definitely a 'he'? Are they spurs/bumps on his back feet?
Could be female(no spurs) and looking for somewhere to lay eggs.
Can you post a few more better pics of him/her? His/her feet in the first pic look like you might have something additionally going on that you would want to pay attention to. I'm also with Kath. He might be trying to find a place to lay eggs(?) LOL!!!!!
Sry for the late reply he/she witch i real think its a boy and thats what lllreptile when i bought it told me but i know they can b wrong aswel as today at 3pm it was at the bottom of the chage under some branches heres some pic like you asked hopfuly this help


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Can you post a few more better pics of him/her? His/her feet in the first pic look like you might have something additionally going on that you would want to pay attention to. I'm also with Kath. He might be trying to find a place to lay eggs(?) LOL!!!!!

Agree. It looks like there is some swelling in "his" feet and legs, and I also wonder if there is MBD going on. The legs look bent at odd angles. Clearer pictures are needed to be sure. Also, while you are at it, please describe your setup, what you are feeding to your insects, what supplement dusts you use and how often, and what brands of lighting you use.
Food has been crickests, mealworms,waxworms and there beetles,praying mantis nymphs i was dusting them once a week with d3 then i stop bc i realize mine had d3 in it an Stoped it to once amonth and reptical once every couple of weeks i though mbd witch ive never had in any of my reptiles and ive owned alot for not a breeder but theres always a first so id rather fix it in the begining its lights are a repti sun 5.0 and i chose a basking bulb made by zoomed ive seen him just hang by his back feet only suspended in mid air sleeping hes not at my house a my gf i just hop shes doing what Needs to be done when im not there
Food has been crickests, mealworms,waxworms and there beetles,praying mantis nymphs i was dusting them once a week with d3 then i stop bc i realize mine had d3 in it an Stoped it to once amonth and reptical once every couple of weeks i though mbd witch ive never had in any of my reptiles and ive owned alot for not a breeder but theres always a first so id rather fix it in the begining its lights are a repti sun 5.0 and i chose a basking bulb made by zoomed ive seen him just hang by his back feet only suspended in mid air sleeping hes not at my house a my gf i just hop shes doing what Needs to be done when im not there

Your cham looks like it has MBD. Chams require dusting with plain calcium (no added D3) lightly every feeding. Calcium with D3 every 2 weeks. Herp multivitamin dust every two weeks. How old is your ReptiSun bulb? If you've used it for more than 6 months replace it. What do you feed your insects? A good gutload is even more important than dusting for proper nutrition. There are great gutloads available from forums sponsors.
Idk If this may or may not help hes been going thru a shedd for about 6 days now its down to very small skin he gets mad when you take him out but i do every day im here once out hes calm but he wont let me near the back of his head . Hes off feed the only thing ive seen him run for is the last few wax worms i had i bought some a week ago and 50% died i wast tryn to start breeding them last batch i let grow into moths and feed them to him ive seen him drink ive put him in the shower with luke warm water to help shedd ive also have made changes to his tank bc hes out grown his branches his feet touch when holding and there is a weather change aswel what kinds of supplements do you use you know how often maybe im not applying at the right times
My bulb is coming up may 5 is the 6th month mark but i have another and change it today And as far as mbd gos will this change bc its in the beginng or will he still be the same way and yes I feed crickets flukers orange cubes complete cricket diet for about 3 months now this is why i dont get it insects are gut loaded i have the right uvb light he gets water ive never starved him if anything over feed him
You should respect your chameleon if he dosent want to come out dont take him out or try to go near the back of his head cus them he wont eat or drink water like his suppose to and hide somewhere where the uvb wont reach him
Heres some more photos im gonna do what i can this week to help the lil dude out and i read the fourm with mbd in it so the little dude has some hope bc of my lack of exp i luck out bc the expo is next weekend im hoping there are a few vendors who can help me out


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you werent dusting with plain calcium every feeding, and your crickets were not gutloaded, you just fed them.

the orange stuff is just crap, it doesnt have what the bugs need to keep your cham healthy.

You need to feed fresh fruits and veggies to the bugs.

if you can, take him outside for as much natural sun as possible.
Before i went to that cricket food i fed my crickets grass and watered and gave them veggies yes as well know what gutloading is ie the patatoe wedge that i didnt put in the post as well as my meal worms get wedges too And green beans and other random veggie. More pics aswell


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And asfar as laying eggs im wrong i think i has mbd @ 7 months old now its time to correct the wrong so cal with out d3 and reptivite or is it herpvites i wanna go out and make sure i have the right stuff tonight and changed his uvb bulb today b4 this post
You definitely have a male. so no worry about eggs.

But just potato and grass and water, isn't enough.

I feed my bugs the following-
dandelion leaves
collard greens
mustard greens
sunflower seeds
lettuce (for water reasons only)

that was just todays menu.

You need to read blogs by sandrachameleon about gutloading properly.
Ditto. I'm pretty sure he has a mild form of mbd and his hind leg, if not broken is at least fractured. He definitely needs some veterinary care!
Both front legs are broken or were previously. There are double elbows, the hindlimb bones are definitely bent. Please see the link about MBD below and read up on what is needed to treat this condition before it gets worse, which it will rapidly.
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