OMG, Laying her first unfertilized eggs


New Member
Well I just woke up a few minutes ago, I know it's past 3pm here. The first thing I did was check on my female panther. I cover here cage up with towel to block her vision, I took a peek and to my surprise I saw her in the laying bin I setup about 4 week ago. The eco-earth and sand was all over the place. It's look like it didn't hold well. I saw her laying there not to deep with her eyes close, I was scare something bad would happen. Went to the kitchen to make some coffee I decided to check again a few minutes later and saw her tail up head down in the substrate.

I have a few questions.
1. I know it depend on alot of factor like age and clutch size, But how long does it normally take for a female to finish her task ?
2. She been eating everyday until today. So well she eat after she is done laying those eggs ?
3. Also I been giving her No-D3 almost everyday and Herptivite Multivitamins and Repcal D3 once a months. My question is, How should I increase those Supplements ?
4. One more thing how deep do they dig before they start laying ? It's look like she is about 3-4 inches deep but she look so tired.

I know alot of you guys will tell me to be patience. I'm so nervous right now, I don't want anything to go wrong. Out of all the chameleon I have she is my favorite.

Here is a link I posted about 4 week ago on this subject.
Well she is done :D That was fast. She cover up the dirt backup to her basking area. Haven't taken any food yet.

Hey jannb your the only one that reply to me, Let me ask you a question.
When do I remove the eggs from the bucket ?
How long does the eggs take to go bad when it's unfertilized ?
And what do I do with the unfertilized eggs ?
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