One quick picture.

Wow at least I'm warm. I hate the cold :) I'm not good with dates. I'll try 8/28/09. I had a good day that day. I caught a nice bass while fishing on a day off. Edit... I just saw September was the month. I'll go for 9/2/09. That was my last day off that week.
One of your dates is so hot it's on FIRE!
I am disappointed, you guys don't make this any fun... C'mon! 5 guesses all at once? :(

Also, NO! You don't have it!

Well since you said under 5 guesses I'd have to say 10/1,2,3,4,5. There. I sank your battleship. :)

You put down the wrong month! How's that for being un-fun? :eek:
Oh wow I had a senior moment there didn't I? I'm sorry Syn. I meant 9/1, or 9/3. Is that close?
Why would you have to call shenanigans! Pssh. At least I'm not saying all the numbers on a calender. :rolleyes:
I just made a boo boo. Skye technically got it. I misread a calander mark-off as 9/3, but it was really 9/2!
he is definately between 8 and 12 weeks they get pretty big and that looks small so my guess is 4 months????
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