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I've set up a feeding dish for my new chammy (feeder from Etsy arriving this week) and I've kept small, coated crickets in there for two days but he/she won't touch them even though he/she sees them. Out of desperation and fear of starvation I threw some mealworms in the dish this morning and she is pigging out on them. Selectively grabbing the mealworms and ignoring the crickets. No idea why - maybe because she was fed mealworms at the pet store? Do I have to do tough love and let her get hungry enough to eat crickets or do I keep offering both in the hopes she'll take to them? When I first got her I didn't have a feeder so put the crickets loose in the enclosure and she ate a few, but she doesn't seem to care enough about them to hunt them down and the enclosure is so large (compared to her) that the crickets stay far away from her.