Ordering online


New Member
Can someone tell me a place where I can buy dubia roaches for my chams that will get here alive. I ordered some from a seller NC roaches on eBay and they arrived all dead. I live in Oklahoma and it is currently 104 outside so obviously that's what killed them.
Can someone tell me a place where I can buy dubia roaches for my chams that will get here alive. I ordered some from a seller NC roaches on eBay and they arrived all dead. I live in Oklahoma and it is currently 104 outside so obviously that's what killed them.

I bought mine from Mulberry Farms, and they have an option to "hold for pickup" at the post office, which is what I do when it gets really hot/humid here. They're based in California I believe and even though I'm in Tennessee, so far everything I've ordered from them has showed up alive - no matter what I've ordered.
Try nick barta (on this site), Dubia Roaches (Site Sponsor), or LLL Reptile. That should guarantee a live delivery.
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The one i ordered from had a live a arrival guarantee, alas all I have is box with 100 dead roaches. I'll look into some of the other ones you guys suggested, thanks!
I got my money back for them, luckily the guy was really nice. He offered to send me more but i said I would just wait until it's not a billion degrees outside and try again. Looks like he will have to deal with crickets and super worms with his veggies for a couple more months
I got my money back for them, luckily the guy was really nice. He offered to send me more but i said I would just wait until it's not a billion degrees outside and try again. Looks like he will have to deal with crickets and super worms with his veggies for a couple more months

Probably best. Anything over 90 is pushing it and you're risking the same thing happening.
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