Other food varieties


New Member
My husband gave me a handsome adult veiled cham for Christmas courtesy of Harry of Chroma Chameleons in Barrie Ontario. I just love him, named him Schultzi but am having trouble finding out other things he can eat besides crickets etc. I'm looking for information on vegetation and fruit for him. One book I read states you can feed them spinach but I understand this is not good for them.
I've been feeding him crickets, some strawberry pieces, grated carrot (which he loves) and have a pothos and umbrella plant in his cage.
If someone could please send me some info on types of veg and fruit they can eat it would be much appreciated - just want to switch it up for the big guy - he seems very content but since I'm a novice I just want the best for him
Thanks for any help you can give me
As far as vegetation goes, grapes (on occasion, high in sugar), blueberries, kale, dandelion greens, hibiscus, bananas on a limited basis, apples, figs, and the like are all good. But they are primarily insectivorous to stick to insects as their main diet.

crickets, grasshoppers, katydids, roaches (you can also vary roaches: banana roaches, dubia, turkestan, hissers, porceleans, caves, discoids, lobsters), phasmids, wild caught pesticide free non-toxic insects, non-noxious butterflies/moths, superworms, silkworms, hornworms, cultured milkweed bugs, isopods, bluebottle flies, house flies, waxworms on occasion, snails for calcium boosts (breed them yourself), pinkies on a bi-monthly basis, etc. you get my point, theres alot out there ;)

doubleds.org (roaches and unique feeders), as well as mulberryfarms.com, coastalsilkworms, lucky lure, are all good for feeders.
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Uh, she's kind of in Canada. I don't think she can buy from those stores, right?
Uh, she's kind of in Canada. I don't think she can buy from those stores, right?

my mistake, Sandra would be helpful here. doubleds and mulberry would ship to canada though. You can tell I just skimmed through the post :rolleyes:
I forgot mulberryfarms ships to like everywhere. I'd imagine shipping would be kind of a killer though! :)
My husband gave me a handsome adult veiled cham for Christmas courtesy of Harry of Chroma Chameleons in Barrie Ontario. I just love him, named him Schultzi but am having trouble finding out other things he can eat besides crickets etc. I'm looking for information on vegetation and fruit for him. One book I read states you can feed them spinach but I understand this is not good for them.
I've been feeding him crickets, some strawberry pieces, grated carrot (which he loves) and have a pothos and umbrella plant in his cage.
If someone could please send me some info on types of veg and fruit they can eat it would be much appreciated - just want to switch it up for the big guy - he seems very content but since I'm a novice I just want the best for him
Thanks for any help you can give me

You bought from a great guy, imo. Im sure you'll find harry very helpful in terms of what your chameleon is already used to eating.

A list of potential Feeder options: https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/sandrachameleon/74-feeders.html

Where to buy feeders in Canada:

Gutloading info (most of the fruit and veg you can feed the feeders you can offer the chameleon too) : https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/sandrachameleon/75-feeder-nutrition-gutloading.html

I agree with avoiding spinnach, also brocolii and cabbage and I'd even say not too much kale. These things bind with calcium and also inhibit iodine. Grated carrot, young dandelion leaves, romaine lettuce, collard greens, the occassional grape, thin slices of apple and pear, hibiscus leaves ... these are good options.
you may find the nutritional info in this link (about romaine, hibiscus, dandelion, apple etc) useful too: https://www.chameleonforums.com/nutritional-values-variety-common-gutload-items-33543/
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Thanks everyone for your help - I'll see what we have available in our area insect wise but you've gotten me off to a great start i.e. with the other varieties for Schultzi.

Thanks again and Happy New Year!!

Vegetarian Chamillieon ?

I have a male Veil about 8 months old that was recently given to us. He does not eat the crikets or worms we put in his cage. My husband said he has seen him eat the leafs of the Ficus plant that is in the cage????Not sure it this is a good thing or what else we should try to feed him?
I noticed you're from Ontario, I'm residing in Mississauga right next to Toronto, and kind of close to barrie.

I've dealt with www.feederfactory.ca one of the sites Sandra reccomended, and since they are also situated in Ontario (missisauga to be exact) I wanted to add that I'd reccomend them aswell especially since they are so close to you and considering that, shipping wouldn't be so hard on your feeders (I love this -20 weather >_> )

Anyways, their prices are pretty good too, espcially on silkworms when they have their sales or even regular. I didn't get my items shipped, but when i went to pick up my silk worms, i ordered 50, the owner gave me 80 something, and not one was dead, all nice and plump, and I was even able to get that batch to breed, lay eggs and everything. Feederfactory has nice quality bugs :)

I hope you have fun shopping :p
I have a male Veil about 8 months old that was recently given to us. He does not eat the crikets or worms we put in his cage. My husband said he has seen him eat the leafs of the Ficus plant that is in the cage????Not sure it this is a good thing or what else we should try to feed him?

Liz, chameleons that do not eat insects and only eat vegetations in the cage should raised the owner's alarm.
My suggestion is to make your OWN thread in the health clinic section of the chameleonforums (instead of hijacking susi55's thread). Doing this will ensure you get a full attention from our members.
And I think you can also feed them pill bugs or sow bugs, right Sandra?

Quick question Sandra, in one of your post you mentioned you feed these bugs like once a week and I was wondering if you feed just these bugs during one feeding or do you use a few of these bugs along with the other feeders once a week.

Thank you.
And I think you can also feed them pill bugs or sow bugs, right Sandra?

Quick question Sandra, in one of your post you mentioned you feed these bugs like once a week and I was wondering if you feed just these bugs during one feeding or do you use a few of these bugs along with the other feeders once a week.

Thank you.

I used to feed terrestrial isopods (pill bugs, wood sow) to my chameleons as much as once a week (a couple at a time). I've recently cut down on how many bugs I am breeding, and pill bugs were one of the ones I reduced drastically (for now). So now I am only using these maybe once or twice a month. Im sure the chameleons are dissappointed not to get these as often, as they are a favourite :)

If you are interested, you can see exactly what all I feed my adult male panthers via my blog: https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/sandrachameleon/
(choose the food diary blog category)
And I think you can also feed them pill bugs or sow bugs, right Sandra?

Quick question Sandra, in one of your post you mentioned you feed these bugs like once a week and I was wondering if you feed just these bugs during one feeding or do you use a few of these bugs along with the other feeders once a week.

Thank you.

I already mentioned these, isopods.
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