Other opinions on Reptifogger??


Established Member
I have a coupon for $20 off at Petco that ends tonight and I'm in need of more humidity for my young veiled cham. I currently spray 3 times/day to raise the humidity between 60-80 and use a dripper once a day for an hour or so. I was looking into getting the Reptifogger, but I've seen so many mixed reviews. I'm just confused now whether or not I should get the Reptifogger or an Ultrasonic humidifier?? :confused:
I have a coupon for $20 off at Petco that ends tonight and I'm in need of more humidity for my young veiled cham. I currently spray 3 times/day to raise the humidity between 60-80 and use a dripper once a day for an hour or so. I was looking into getting the Reptifogger, but I've seen so many mixed reviews. I'm just confused now whether or not I should get the Reptifogger or an Ultrasonic humidifier?? :confused:

IMHO, get the ultrasonic humidifier. It will last a lot longer most likely and I think the water reservoirs hold more...you won't have to fill it nearly so often and you can produce more fog during a cycle.
IMHO..?? Ok, and will I need to figure out a drainage "system"? Not sure how much moisture it could create..
Last question... For now ;) How long does the humidity need to be above 60?? Like 3 times/day?
IMHO..?? Ok, and will I need to figure out a drainage "system"? Not sure how much moisture it could create..

The fog won't create a lot more drainage water than your regular misting does. The droplets are very small and tend to evaporate from where they land.
Last question... For now ;) How long does the humidity need to be above 60?? Like 3 times/day?

Its hard to say, as everyone's situation is different. How fast your cage setup dries out depends on a lot of things....the general room humidity level, the temps, your lighting, cage plants, air flow in the room, even the season of the year (winter house heating versus warm coastal summer in OR).

When you first get your humidifier and set it up you can start testing...trial and error...to see how often and how long to run it to keep the cage from drying out for too long each day. Do the normal misting for drinking you do now, and add the humidifier cycles to the mix. You'll figure it out!
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