other reptiles in with chameleons??

I never accused you of anything.

I think it would be a big help for you if you stopped taking every post as a personal attack. I was agreeing with you. I think you have just been rubbed the wrong way on this site and I have done some of the rubbing.

I think it would be a good idea to start fresh. I want you to know if you would like my help I would be happy to answer any questions I can. Shoot me a PM.

Its great for learning. Fact sheets are great for the basics on all different areas of care but nothing beats experience and you should never be afraid or feel stupid to ask a question. Given the choice I would take years of advice from experienced keepers over a care sheet anyday.

It is whether you take the advice or not which is the difference.

I asked early in the thread how your little girl was going and you replied very shortly that she was ok....obviously she still isn't so you need to do your part as well. Keepers only get hot under the collar if they spend the time giving you years of experience in advice and then you dont seem to want take it.

I hope you can nurse your little girl back into good health :)
sooooooo, whats the whole point in this site?? where do you draw the line at an irelevent question, or are you saying that all the questions here are irelevent, so does that mean you have to be of a certain experience level to be part of this site. i dont understand what questions i am allowed to ask on here with out getting shouted at eh?? i thought this site is for learning eh??

Its like reading your book before going to class. The teacher isn't there to read the book for you, but rather clarify and add depth to the portions you aren't grasping.

"Is there any type of reptile I can put in with my chameleon?" Says that you didn't do the reading.

"Why can't I put another reptile in with my chameleon?" Says, I understand that I can't, I accept it to be true, but I'm looking to further my understanding.

That said, this is all just my personal view on life. Certainly not forum rules or the views of the forum owners.
i just read a thread by someone else on here asking the exact same thing. and she is a reptile shop owner, does that say anything to you, all people say different things ok?? im sorry that i didnt write my msgs so you understand them
I don't think I've met a reptile shop owner that I feel should be dealing in chameleons, as I don't believe a retail environment is in the animals best interest, so it doesn't say anything to me. Offhand, if she was a shop owner, she was probably trying to maximize shelf space at the expense of the animal, and looking for justification. But now we're getting off topic :)
oh my god, sorry not to be specific enough for you but yes she did keep chameleons there and had some herself for many years OK?????????????????????????????????????????
ahhh i see you think i am a bad owner, i suppose u think that i pushed my chameleon off the wall so that she broke her back! you dont know how hard it has been for me (a first time owner) to cope and to no what to do with a chameleon that was dragging her back legs, having to make sure she is checked every 15 minutes, finding her and having to prize her back legs off her front legs, the more i pull, the tighter she grips and rips her skin with her claws, with her swollen front legs and her having no appetite, hence she is very thin, constantly falling off her branch when shes holding on to her legs, its hard ok! i just wanted to ask lots of people and not just some on here, as when i ask other questions about other stuff i get SO many different views, i.e. i asked about my heat lamp being on 24/7 some people said keep it on all the time and others said just in the day, i tried both and found that just in the day is better. i didnt know that if i asked, "can i put different animals in with my chameleon" that i would get such strong replies, and then when i said i wanted to ask around (like i did about the heat lamp) i got attacked! well i am SORRY ok, remember this site IS for everyone experienced AND beginners. dont just emply i know things like that. i thought people mite like to hear i want EVERYONES advice. i am really offended that anyone would say "i wonder if she is listening to any other advice as far as lighting, caging, and temps". i dedicate my life to animals working as a horse rehabilitator and being payed peanuts! i think i am a good owner as i want to listen to everyones advice, and i thought that you lot would think i am too because of that!

This may sound harsh, but if your cham is that bad off, you should probably euthanize her. It is the kinder decision. Keeping her alive in that state of pain and disability does her no justice and will make your life very difficult (or so you are saying)
i have thought about it but, she eats, drinks, does move around and doesnt get stressed anymore which makes the decsion harder
This may sound harsh, but if your cham is that bad off, you should probably euthanize her. It is the kinder decision. Keeping her alive in that state of pain and disability does her no justice and will make your life very difficult (or so you are saying)

never thought id hear it from you, but its very true.
in the wild chameleons have huge territories to themselves and males-females only interact when they breed. After a female has been bred they will start to have problems.

since a chameleon has a huge home territory in the wild we attempt to mimic this by giving them screen cages that are atleast 4ft tall so they have plenty of room to move around. If you introduce another chameleon into that enclosure they will establish their individual territory so it will basically cut that in half. The chameleons will constantly fight for more territory because what you have given them is to small and it will be a bad situation for both chameleons.

You, however, are the owner of the chameleon and have the right to do whatever you want. Everyone has advised you against it, but if you want to do it go for it. You will shortly see one chameleon establishing a dominance and the other chameleon in a corner showing very stressed colors. If this continues the dominant chameleon will strive and the other will eventually die due to lack of a basking spot, food, and water.

Good luck though.

Very well put and well answered. I couldn't agree more. Good manner too.
Geckos, Anoles, and other lizards sometimes get into the cage. The cham is always dominate and he knows. I think my setup is very much a good mimic of the wild. Its outside, food is free roaming etc. The only difference is I watch his behavior, make sure he eats, wash him, and care for his health. Unless the cage is huge,, like a garage. I wouldn't but juvenile/adult chams together. The main concern is to make them feel comfortable, both of them.
never thought id hear it from you, but its very true.

I am a pretty reasonable person and the animal's welfare is first and foremost in my mind. If an owner can't care for a failing animal properly or the animal is too far gone, euthanasia is one of the kindest options. We have a death phobic society that would rather see an animal drag out a horrible year long end to a life and end up starving/septic/failing organs etc than a dignified, peaceful death without the drawn out agony.

I am not directing this specifically at Leela, just stating my opinion.

Leela, if you feel that your cham is up to it and that you can provide the care she needs to live a full, healthy life, then go for it. You should do a lot more reading on the forum and consult a qualified herp vet with your concerns and options first, however.
I'm agreeing 100% with Kenya. And you definitely need to straighten out all the issues with your female (as well as the issues that allowed her to get in such a state) before you even THINK of getting a second chameleon. If you need to put her down to stop her from suffering, then you should.

People were "attacking" you because you seemed unwilling to listen to advice and were only looking for someone to say that what you wanted to do is ok. Perhaps we misunderstood you? I don't know about that.
Doing research is key here. No matter what animal you are wishing to keep, you should really know at least the bare minimum about their care before you endeavor to care for them. Not keeping chameleons together or with other reptiles is pretty rudimentary knowledge.
I hope that things go well for you in the future with your chameleon(s), but you must keep in mind that when you ask a question and then seem unwilling to take advice it is going to annoy the crap out of people.
I understand your trying to get peoples thoughts, views, and concerns. Most of the people are experienced keepers and think they know everything, but they do know a lot. Truth is, you don't have to listen to anybody. I know your just asking questions. Your not a bad owner or person. You seem to care a great deal. I was attacked the same way when I asked about feeding centipedes, and replying I was going to look in to it.
If everyone wants to look at the attacks in another way. What gives some of you the right to complain if Leela doesn't agree with you. Some people just have chips on their shoulders. Be nice and understand people have different views on topics.
Please don't feel bad Leela. Truth is those people attacking you are only making themselves look like asses. There are no facts! Its opinions and views users are posting here. All you peeps need to realize, not everyone has to agree with you. Stop ganging up on certain people. If you have something bad to say, tell the person privatively if anything.
Since none of us don't speak chameleon, the majority of the times chams should not be housed together. Sometimes cat and mouse are friends, I've seen lions care for a baby gazelle, as if it was their own. Even wild polar bears playing friendly with a sled dog.
Animals are observed through behavior. Therefore, I believe things aren't always as they seem. Take it as a grain of salt. The majority of professionals and keepers strongly believe chameleons are solitary animals and tend to live alone. "Its like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from going under"- Grandmaster Flash
Hey OC,

I think most of the people getting so irritated had also helped her through her issues with her female. Housing two chameleons together is a bad idea for an inexperienced keeper, but housing two chameleons together when one is unhealthy is just showing a lack of judgment. You're right, she doesn't have to listen to anyone, and I pointed that out to her in my initial post, I think other people did as well. All people have in mind is the health of her chameleon. I don't think most of the people who responded were "attacking" and I also don't think anyone made an ass out of themselves. We're all trying to help her chameleon, there isn't anything else to it.
. Ever since she fell shes had a lump at the bottom of her spine, he just said she has badly damaged her back, nothing about MBD. Is there a cure for MBD, and what can i do to stop her strange behaviour??

If she doesn't have MBD then why was she getting a series of calcium injections which you stated in your original thread of when she fell?
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