
It seems like Meller's - Trio melleri, and Quads - Trio quadricornis, are getting a lot of attention these days. But who all are working with Oustalet's and other less exciting species? I'd love to find out!
Hey! I'm not working with them now, but have kept oustalets in the past and they are far from less exciting. They may not be colorful, but they are super exciting when it comes to texture and general rugged appearance, not to mention personality!
What do you like about their personalities? I'm not familiar with them, but I remember seeing some at a reptile show last summer. Sticky Tongue Farms I believe.
I'm just curious as to the different personality traits shown by different species.
Many tend to become quite brave and tame compared to most chameleons. There are many stories of owners carrying them about on their person (or hat) without apparant stress for the lizard and their animals becoming true "pet" quality animals.
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Lets just say every oustie ive ever had is super nice :), Re.x used to sleep on my bed. I handled him since 2 months but he was duper gental. Never once bit or snapped at me.
I can give mine to anywhere, it could care less. Here little 6 year old, have a cham, stay in sight...
Just got my boy leonidas. :)
Thanks zac and olivia. Him showing those orange and greens. Its hard to get a good lighting to see them though.

All tucked in too bed.
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