Panacur suspension question!?!


Established Member
ok so as you all know my chams been on a de- pinnworm medz. hes on Panacure suspension. is there anything i should look out for while hes on this? sideeffects? i looked it up and onyl thing i could find was reduced hunger**. ( 0.4cc dose) 2 doses. 1 starting and then another in 2 weeks)
ok so as you all know my chams been on a de- pinnworm medz. hes on Panacure suspension. is there anything i should look out for while hes on this? sideeffects? i looked it up and onyl thing i could find was reduced hunger**. ( 0.4cc dose) 2 doses. 1 starting and then another in 2 weeks)

Generally Panacur doesn't affect chams negatively. I would keep about your normal routine.

Your cham should be fine unless it's not healthy. If the cham is really sick from the parasite or unhealthy from something else then it could die. Out of all the reptiles I've treated only one died. This was because she was really really sick with the parasite and had been untreated for months. She couldn't even walk or eat on her own, she was that bad. Your cham should be fine though so don't worry.
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