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Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male Sambava panther chameleon, just over a year old and been in my care from about 3 months
Handling - Handle only about once a week to move for cleaning etc.
Feeding - I currently feed locusts, crickes, supers, wax worms and sometimes roaches. he gets fed every other day with about 3 adult locusts and a few worms. I gut load all my feeders with fresh fruit and veg.
Supplements - Use zoomed pure calcium all feedings during the week. Calcium with d3 twice a month and a multivitamin twice a month.
Watering - Misting system runs for 2 mins 5 times a day. He does drink often.
Fecal Description - Normal droppings with white urates. Goes every few days. Has nt been tested for parasites.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Reptibreeze extra large (2x2x4)
Lighting - 10.0 Reptiglow uv tube. Replaced every six months. outside of cage. Normal 100 watt household bulb for heat.
Temperature - Basking temp is aroung 85-90f and lowest temp is around 70. Cage drops to high sixties over night. i measure this with digital thermometers.
Humidity - Humidity levels are about 70% once misting has occured. I measure this with a digital hydrometer.
Plants - Mainly plastic but do have an umbrella plant in the cage.
Placement - Cage is in my bedroom abut 2 feet off the ground with the top of the cage about 6 feet off the ground.
Location - UK
Current Problem - Chameleon has not been eating his locuts recently he only seems to be interested in worms. This has gone on for just over a week now.
Your Chameleon - Male Sambava panther chameleon, just over a year old and been in my care from about 3 months
Handling - Handle only about once a week to move for cleaning etc.
Feeding - I currently feed locusts, crickes, supers, wax worms and sometimes roaches. he gets fed every other day with about 3 adult locusts and a few worms. I gut load all my feeders with fresh fruit and veg.
Supplements - Use zoomed pure calcium all feedings during the week. Calcium with d3 twice a month and a multivitamin twice a month.
Watering - Misting system runs for 2 mins 5 times a day. He does drink often.
Fecal Description - Normal droppings with white urates. Goes every few days. Has nt been tested for parasites.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Reptibreeze extra large (2x2x4)
Lighting - 10.0 Reptiglow uv tube. Replaced every six months. outside of cage. Normal 100 watt household bulb for heat.
Temperature - Basking temp is aroung 85-90f and lowest temp is around 70. Cage drops to high sixties over night. i measure this with digital thermometers.
Humidity - Humidity levels are about 70% once misting has occured. I measure this with a digital hydrometer.
Plants - Mainly plastic but do have an umbrella plant in the cage.
Placement - Cage is in my bedroom abut 2 feet off the ground with the top of the cage about 6 feet off the ground.
Location - UK
Current Problem - Chameleon has not been eating his locuts recently he only seems to be interested in worms. This has gone on for just over a week now.