Established Member
There's tons of other things that could be wrong besides parasites. I'd get him a check up.
Ok so i called dr.greek and Associates and the first available appointment they have is on friday
so I'm going to have to wait till then...i have no clue of any other good reptile vets around here...unless some one knows of one on the forums knows of one...but i hear dr.greek is a really good vet and he has nothing but good reviews ...
Seems like you have all the help here from those who have replied but I just wanted to say that I wouldn't 'sit' on this, I'd get your guy to the vet ASAP! He's absolutely gorgeous and it would be devestating to lose him! If he's starting to close his eyes it means something isn't right somewhere and since chams hide illness well, he could have been under the weather for awhile and just hiding it from you! I would get him to the vet first and have a Dr. rule out any health problems before looking to husbandry issues. Good luck - he's a beautiful animal!