Pascal's Christmas present!


New Member
So, my not-so-little-anymore girl got a nice surprise for the holidays! I had been meaning to upgrade her cage because of obvious reasons, I just hadn't gotten around to it. However, I am pleased to say that this Christmas, she is livin' the life! I'll post pictures probably tomorrow when there's some better light in here, but she went from a 12x12x18 glass terrarium, to a 24x24x48 screened one! This things huge! I'm so excited for her to have a better living condition! Merry Christmas Pascal! :))) Anybody else do any presents for their wittle scaley butts? :)
Our chameleon was a Christmas present for my ten year-old. I found out after we bought him that his needs were MUCH more extensive than his prior owner had been meeting. I'm surprised that he seems to be as healthy as he is. He's quite large and has lived his whole life in a glass tank that I think is about yours' size. He will have a nice screen 24x24x48 coming in just a few days! I've been having lots of heating issues with him so I'm hoping that the extra space will help out with that.

His name was Pascal at the time I bought him, but my son renamed him "Spike." :D
That's an awesome Christmas present! I'm really glad that you're giving the little guy a better life than he was living before. How old is Spike, do you know? (should have kept the original name, it's so much cooler ;D, no bias or anything, lol)
His prior owner said he was "2 or 3" but she didn't seem sure. I jumped at buying him without really realizing what high-need creatures they were, but so far we are having a lot of fun getting everything nice for him! I'm chewing on the idea of having a bone scan for him since the care instructions I was given didn't include any vitamins and his UVB bulb had never been changed. He seems to be strong though, and his limbs are straight from what I can tell.

I was really worried that my son would name him something like "Lizardy" or "Greeny" or something. Spike is not too bad. :cool:
Aww, 2 or 3 years in such a small cage? :( Poor thing. Yea they are a lot of hard work, but they pay off with how awesome of a creature they are!

Spike is definitely better than Greeny :p Cause I know when I was really little I always named our cats by color. Like our black cat was midnight, and our two white ones were Snowball and Mr. Winter :cool: So at least he thought outside of the box, lol!
Kuzco got a mister and a 24*24*48 screen cage. Takes up most of my room lol. But he loves it so it was worth it
that is awesome on both stories, great to get pascal into his bigboy cage, and great to have spike getting proper care!

ho ho ho :D:D:D
Wow! cool :)

Noogie is getting a new cage too. My first xxlarge DIY cage.
It's sitting in my living room, just put the back and side plastic sheets on, some silicone glue around the floor panel, drilled some drain holes.
Now I just have to get motivated and put all the vines and perches in it ;)

Have to wait until Noogie feels the urge to come out and play on the free range. I'll just clean the perches and toss the funky plastic plants and replace with cloth ones.

This cage is such higher quality then the Reptibreez :D
So I'm not the only one that got my cham a Xmas present.Fred got a new vine.I'm setting it up to come out the cage door to encourage him out.he is also getting a new big boy DIY cage shortly after the funds have replenished in the new year
Kuzco got a mister and a 24*24*48 screen cage. Takes up most of my room lol. But he loves it so it was worth it

Same here! The 24x24x48 takes up a lot of room, but I really don't mind. It actually looks pretty sweet and she's so happy with all her new space! Her present cost more than most of mine! :rolleyes:
Two of my boys are getting major upgrades over the holidays.

Malcolm (5 month Ambilobe) is going from a 16x16x30 reptibreeze to a 24x24x48 pennplax

Reggie Jackson is getting his cage doubled. I will be adding an additional 18x18x36 for a total of 36x18x36.

Sounds like many chameleons are having a Merry Christmas :D
Here is what she started out in :(

And here's her new space!!

I don't think she even knows what to do with all the free space :D
So, my not-so-little-anymore girl got a nice surprise for the holidays! I had been meaning to upgrade her cage because of obvious reasons, I just hadn't gotten around to it. However, I am pleased to say that this Christmas, she is livin' the life! I'll post pictures probably tomorrow when there's some better light in here, but she went from a 12x12x18 glass terrarium, to a 24x24x48 screened one! This things huge! I'm so excited for her to have a better living condition! Merry Christmas Pascal! :))) Anybody else do any presents for their wittle scaley butts? :)

Silkworms, butterworms, hornworms, and some fresh hawk moths :)
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