Peaches-update 1


New Member
Ok so I'm at the vet here I'n hOuston tx I took my 1yr old blue bar panther chameleon for the issue I had on a recent post where she would fall constantly as she climbed and the bad news given was gout she has these bumps on her joints I'n which is what is causing her to be clumsy at this point I'm really concerned about wether she will make it through ok since there is nothing I can do or the vet I was given a diet lafaber carnivore 100 gram bag to feed to her via serenge I was told it's going to be a hard recovery and at the moment I can do nothing but think the worst truth it's been the longest I've ever had a pet without selling it.
Was told there is certain anti biotics that can be used but they can also increase the chance of making it worse do to kidney failure she got incisions done to her joints on her hind legs for removal and testing along with topical anesthetic cream over ensecions she's pretty dark now and needs alot of rest my phone is dying and will keep updated when I get back home
Was told there is certain anti biotics that can be used but they can also increase the chance of making it worse do to kidney failure she got incisions done to her joints on her hind legs for removal and testing along with topical anesthetic cream over ensecions she's pretty dark now and needs alot of rest my phone is dying and will keep updated when I get back home

They did incisions on her? Most times you treat gout by changing your supplements. Could you post pictures? Your poor little girl, that must be awful for her. My frame of reference is with chams who have minor gout issues. I had no idea what they do for bad cases of gout.
Im sorry to hear that.
Its my understanding that gout cannot be cured, just treated. (at least in humans)

I dont know much about it, but you have my condolences.
Here's another thread that you might find interesting. .My chameleon also had gout. He didn't make it but that doesn't mean your girl won't. During this time they need a lot of water. You should buy her some silkies and hornworms so she can be hydrated more. How was determined that she had gout? Did the vet take a blood sample from her?
peaches update2

sorry i have not been able to get on and update the status on peaches but now that i have a chance i will try and put all thats happened in the past couple of weeks.
Well for starters its been a rough patch since all this has happened but as of recently i have stopped with the supplements as directed and bought her more feeders as of recently i have started feeding her dubia roaches,phoenix worms,pinky mice in hopes that this will help her recovery go a lot smoother.
As for her constant falling it seems like its due to her front right leg its seemed really swollen so when i took her to her vet i was told she had it sprained where i guess her ankle would be i was told there could be a chance where she would need a splint depending on how serious it was depending on x-rays, once i received the x-rays it seemed good only problem was from the looks of it the vet said it seemed like some gout was forming in between the joints in her leg which could be what is causing her leg to be really swollen i will be posting pics up later today when i get a chance.
since her last vet visit i was given a kit for her to give daily for 10days for hydration with a butterfly needle which is really rough to give which i will get into details later as well.
Since this has happened and she cannot seem to climb anything at all i took out her main plant which was a umbrella plant and basically have her on the floor to avoid anymore injuries i have been feeding her via tongs okay so at turned out my 1st theory was right she was pregnant only thing is she has not mated which i was told could be the reason to why her body is all jacked up all the supplements she has been getting have been running all over her body due to her hormones i guess so she has not been benefiting from them so i bought her a set up for laying eggs nothing to fancy just a big pot sum soil along with some sand put it in her cage where her plant used to be and basically have her there all day i put a branch to where if she wanted to she could climb out but every time she does she takes a few steps and just falls right off her grip is not as strong as it used i can barely even remember the last time she curled up her tail she usually just has it layed out now.
"Sigh" im not sure of what will happen as time goes by but i plan on doing all i can to help her through it i had already planned on buying another chameleon from crazy daves clutch coming soon later this month to have to mate with her later on when he matures but i suppose i have to put that on hold well i will post up pics later today thanks any help will do thanks
As for her constant falling it seems like its due to her front right leg its seemed really swollen so when i took her to her vet i was told she had it sprained where i guess her ankle would be i was told there could be a chance where she would need a splint depending on how serious it was depending on x-rays, once i received the x-rays it seemed good only problem was from the looks of it the vet said it seemed like some gout was forming in between the joints in her leg which could be what is causing her leg to be really swollen i will be posting pics up later today when i get a chance.
since her last vet visit i was given a kit for her to give daily for 10days for hydration with a butterfly needle which is really rough to give which i will get into details later as well.
Since this has happened and she cannot seem to climb anything at all i took out her main plant which was a umbrella plant and basically have her on the floor to avoid anymore injuries i have been feeding her via tongs okay so at turned out my 1st theory was right she was pregnant only thing is she has not mated which i was told could be the reason to why her body is all jacked up all the supplements she has been getting have been running all over her body due to her hormones i guess so she has not been benefiting from them so i bought her a set up for laying eggs nothing to fancy just a big pot sum soil along with some sand put it in her cage where her plant used to be and basically have her there all day i put a branch to where if she wanted to she could climb out but every time she does she takes a few steps and just falls right off her grip is not as strong as it used i can barely even remember the last time she curled up her tail she usually just has it layed out now.
"Sigh" im not sure of what will happen as time goes by but i plan on doing all i can to help her through it i had already planned on buying another chameleon from crazy daves clutch coming soon later this month to have to mate with her later on when he matures but i suppose i have to put that on hold well i will post up pics later today thanks any help will do thanks

Um, I don't know about the hormonal effects you describe. Sounds a bit doubtful to me. Remember, gout is PAINFUL so she could be inactive simply because it hurts to move at all. If you can relieve the gout a little by learning more about it from links given above it can help, but it is not curable. The last thing you will want to do is stress her by mating her. I don't think she'll stand that even in future.
peaches update2 pics

okay so as far as her feeding goes she has been eating a little more ive been keeping her in the laying bin i bought her along with potting soil and play sand i bought from home depot to help her lay her eggs as well as stop her from hurting herself even more its been almost a month and she still has not layed any of her eggs which worries me that if she does not lay them soon she could become egg bound is there anything i might be able to do to help her? I already keep her cage covered to help with her privacy i keep her bin moist daily just in case she decides that today will be the day i will be posting up a picture of her x-ray along with pictures of her status couple days after her vet visit any advice is welcome and much appreciated thanks.


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as u can c from these pictures she is not in the best of moods ive had to inject her daily left to right and right to left to avoid any irritation or harm i will be picking up some medicine the vet ordered especially for peaches to which is suppose to help stop gout from forming in any more areas.


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Do not give that girl any more pinkies. I saw where you said you were giving her those as an addtl feeder. She doesnt need more protein in her diet. Pinkies are not a good food item for a cham with gout. I dont even give them to my chams that dont have health issues. They really arent that beneficial of a feeder for a chameleon. Better choices are: hornworms, silkworms, roaches, flies (blue bottle or house) crickets, grasshoppers, super worms, etc...
Personally i would stop all supplements except for calcium. And then see how she responds. As for doing incisions into the joiints, why did the vet do that? Was that his attempt at taking samples? Because gout is ordinarily diagnosed without incisions being made. A blood panel would have been a better option.

What vet are you using? Sounds like they arent very schooled in reptile related issues judging by the examination and lack of advice given by the vet.

If shes gravid, and she doesnt lay. You need to get a shot of oxytocin. That will start the contractions that will cause her to lay. Better that she drop all the eggs than ecome eggbound. Often they will just drop all the eggs shortly after the injection if you havent waited too long.
Do not give that girl any more pinkies. I saw where you said you were giving her those as an addtl feeder. She doesnt need more protein in her diet. Pinkies are not a good food item for a cham with gout. I dont even give them to my chams that dont have health issues. They really arent that beneficial of a feeder for a chameleon. Better choices are: hornworms, silkworms, roaches, flies (blue bottle or house) crickets, grasshoppers, super worms, etc...
Personally i would stop all supplements except for calcium. And then see how she responds. As for doing incisions into the joiints, why did the vet do that? Was that his attempt at taking samples? Because gout is ordinarily diagnosed without incisions being made. A blood panel would have been a better option.

What vet are you using? Sounds like they arent very schooled in reptile related issues judging by the examination and lack of advice given by the vet.

If shes gravid, and she doesnt lay. You need to get a shot of oxytocin. That will start the contractions that will cause her to lay. Better that she drop all the eggs than ecome eggbound. Often they will just drop all the eggs shortly after the injection if you havent waited too long.

Yea the incisions were made to get a better look at what the problem was the Vet was not really sure what it was and to get a better look at and for testing she decided to do the procedure as for the pinks i have stopped and i have been giving her dubia roaches now that my colony has started i no longer have to purchase them i just get them from my bin although i do have problems getting her to eat i try and hand feed her from time to time without stressing her i have also stopped with all supplements as the vet said, i will be ordering silks and hornworms within this week just trying to figure out what site to get them from 1st Thanks For The Help!!! I will be calling the vet and asking her about oxytocin as for the Vet I go to The Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists avian/exotics Nattalie Antinoff and according to research she was the reason why they opened a avian/exotics area in the whole place from visiting her for the 4th time she really does look like she knows what she is doing.

My main concern has always been as the vet said that due to peaches been pregnant all the supplements are basically doing her no good at the moment which is even worse since she has gout on top of that. So im thinking the sooner she can get the eggs out of her the quicker she can get on the road to recovery from the gout.
My main concern has always been as the vet said that due to peaches been pregnant all the supplements are basically doing her no good at the moment So im thinking the sooner she can get the eggs out of her the quicker she can get on the road to recovery from the gout.

I don't understand this statement at all! Supplements in moderation in addition to quality gutloading are just part of normal nutrition.

You can't just give oxytocin at any time. If the eggs are not mature or "ready" to be expelled the contractions could cause internal injuries. If I'm wrong anyone please chime in.
I don't understand this statement at all! Supplements in moderation in addition to quality gutloading are just part of normal nutrition.

You can't just give oxytocin at any time. If the eggs are not mature or "ready" to be expelled the contractions could cause internal injuries. If I'm wrong anyone please chime in.

I still gutload its the vitamin supplements that i was told to stop temporarily, yea of course you need to wait till the eggs are mature its just something to consider for a last minute emergency.
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