Petshop neglect of chameleon


I saw this yesterday on a Facebook reptile group yesterday. He women who posted it said it was from Petco in Alton, IL. I was very upset... I called Petco cooperate and the Illinois department of agriculture. I even thought about driving there, buying it, and taking it to a vet (4 hours away).

Can he come back from this? What else can be done? I'm so pissed off.


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No, not in the sense that SHE would ever be normal. And I am about 95% sure that is a female. About 5-7 months old I'm guessing.

Extreme MBD. Probably very little use of its tongue at this point. Disfigurement is permanent. Could have some mouth rot going on as well.

If I am right and this is a female its going to be a tough road for her due to laying eggs. Or rather would she be able to successfully without becoming egg bound.

This would take quite a bit of rehab and vet care to correct the health issues and stop the MBD from progressing. This would not be cheap at all. Cage would need to be modified for her.

If your looking at getting her and rehabing her then reach out to the page owner of Sweet Pea on facebook.
OK. Thank you. I w thinking about it because I don't believe Petco is going to do anything and I don't know if the Department of Agriculture will either. I have one chameleon and extra supplies because I had a second that I sold to a breeder. I have a vet that I think is pretty good. I will reach out to Sweet Pea!
OK. Thank you. I w thinking about it because I don't believe Petco is going to do anything and I don't know if the Department of Agriculture will either. I have one chameleon and extra supplies because I had a second that I sold to a breeder. I have a vet that I think is pretty good. I will reach out to Sweet Pea!
Typically when they are that bad off cage needs to be turned on its side so they can not fall. Unless they can not grip at all then a hospital bin must be made. You will want to keep the new one away from your cham and do not cross contaminate anything in case there are parasite issues.

The store will not do anything... It will either die there or some unsuspecting person will get it thinking its normal.
As hard as it is do not "Rescue" these animals. The reality is that life of a "pet" reptile is only outdone by aquarium fish.
The only way it will stop is if they cant sell them any more i.e no one buys them. In some ways chams are lucky. They show "Expression" in their face. We humans like that. We believe we can see the happiness as well as the pain so we do our best to give them what they need. But what if you are something like a snake or smaller normal type lizard? Now you get judged different on you needs. Like if it is alive it is happy. This is ridiculous. It is like saying because a human can live for many many years in solitary confinement, he is happy. LOL So poor snakes are often left to suffer when the fix is so simple.
i sold some chams to a reptile store...went back a month later....they were dessicated...improper care...I tried to tell them how to care...they said....yah...yah....yah... don't insult us we already know how......I sold them this guys brother...he should have looked identical to the guy in the picture is the one I kept.......the male I sold them was so dessicated....I'm not sure he made it🤬🤬🤬


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That’s awful! I hope they he ended up ok. That’s awful. I don’t get how some stores can treat the pets the way they do
i sold some chams to a reptile store...went back a month later....they were dessicated...improper care...I tried to tell them how to care...they said....yah...yah....yah... don't insult us we already know how......I sold them this guys brother...he should have looked identical to the guy in the picture is the one I kept.......the male I sold them was so dessicated....I'm not sure he made it🤬🤬🤬
Meant to quote this but my last response I guess can go for the OP and ur msg lol
So. The girl who took the picture did talk to the rep did the Illinois department of agriculture. She also said she went to the petco to check on the Cham and they said he was in the back on observation status and that he would be placed back on display for sale in 72 hours.... So basically their waiting on him to die.
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