Pharaoh acting strange


New Member
My chameleon has been acting weird today and yesterday. Seems like he is becoming more territorial and he opened his mouth when I walked by.
He a veil. Maybe about 1.5-2 months old.
Enclosure: humidity varies from 45-80, temp at top is 85-95 (sometimes little hotter) and mid cage is 76. He also has a lot of room to hide in plants or reach a preferred temp level.
Feed him crickets and fruit flies, both calcium dusted and the crickets are fed calcium supplement and spinach.

Could his behavior be from hormones surging?
I did handle him Sunday for the first time and he was in his stress colors (solid black).

Also he eats more ff than crickets, I want to start doing away with the flies

The pic is Sunday before I handled him
I purchased my Veiled Chameleon from a breeder when he was quite young and initially he did not mind being handled. Then it seemed like overnight he transformed into a typical grumpy chameleon when he was about 6 months old. The behavior you describe sounds like a territorial display. Unfortunately chameleons are not social animals and do not particularly like to be handled. Many keepers will tell you to just let them be and other folks talk about chameleons who seem anxious to come out of their cages and interact with their keepers. It kind of depends on the cham and your expectations for your pet. If you are of the mind to interact with your chameleon, then you can very slowly and patiently encourage them to come out of the cage and climb onto your hand. Most will begin the process by trying to offer food from their hands and work up to getting the chameleon to crawl onto the hand and remove them from the cage. It can take a very long time and requires a lot of patience on the part of the handler.
I would like him to be handled but I will not force him.
Just will take some time and right now he is still very young so I know I have to wait till he a lot bigger to try and handle him more. Thank you
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