Photos of our chameleons.


Chamalot Chameleons
Well some of them at least....

Jason's little Carpet female... She hates me

100_6828 by cham2112, on Flickr

100_6826 by cham2112, on Flickr

100_6817 by cham2112, on Flickr

Pretty Little Panther girl.. one of Bonzai's daughters showing pink

100_6874 by cham2112, on Flickr

My new Male and female.. I thought this was a good size comparison. No name for this male yet...

100_6934 by cham2112, on Flickr photo

100_6905 by cham2112, on Flickr

100_6919 by cham2112, on Flickr

100_6915 by cham2112, on Flickr


100_6893 by cham2112, on Flickr

100_6892 by cham2112, on Flickr

100_6887 by cham2112, on Flickr

Little Clown..(He and Firecracker are brothers from the same clutch.. Dont know why they look so different )

100_6873 by cham2112, on Flickr

100_6871 by cham2112, on Flickr

100_6851 by cham2112, on Flickr

100_6855 by cham2112, on Flickr
few more pictures

Here is a picture of Anna, my L&C baby laying her first clutch... She layed 27 small eggs after 2 days of digging and covering.

100_6844 by cham2112, on Flickr

This last picture is obviously not a chameleon but I thought I would share. We have White Squirrels here. I have never seen White squirrels until we moved to Kissimmee. Here they are about as common as grey squirrels. They eat all the food from the feeder

100_6842 by cham2112, on Flickr

Thanks for looking
Awesome photos!

Man! These are some awesome photos! I love all of them! Including the white squirle. I live in Texas and have never seen one thats white.
oh im so happy you posted pic of your cresteds. they are my favorite. color is great but the more prehistoric the chameleon looks the more fascinating it is in my eyes. you should post pics of them more often. i could look at them all day. lol. i love horns, crests, casques, flaps and spines. hahhaa. looks like mini dinosaurs
oh im so happy you posted pic of your cresteds. they are my favorite. color is great but the more prehistoric the chameleon looks the more fascinating it is in my eyes. you should post pics of them more often. i could look at them all day. lol. i love horns, crests, casques, flaps and spines. hahhaa. looks like mini dinosaurs

Yes they are very unique little guys.

Here is a video we posted last year of a pair
Dez, you and Jason have some gorgeous chameleons! I'm glad that all went well with Anna. She had a very small clutch.
hahha dez. i've already watched it MANY times before. they are amazing. maybe one day. patience! lol
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