Places to get plants?

Okay, I got a spider plant and a dieffenbachia... But I just found that the dieffenbachia was toxic, so I'll take it back..
Definitely good thing to catch, things I like to use for veileds are camellias but I have a hard time anymore finding my favorite size.
Okay, I returned it, and got the sap on me when I was carrying it...It kinda burned a bit.. ouch! Took one for the team though, at least it wasn't Oswin. I got the mass cane plant. I looked it up a bit and saw it was ok! Yay!
Also, the toxic plant, it was labeled "umbrella plant" hah, don't think so.. I told the worker (who didn't know like, anything about plants) and he I guess told someone, I don't know. But yea.


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For the most part, all of my stuff is faux (mostly due to the fact that I suck at keeping plants alive).

There's one fantastic thing that is real and also free. Got a neighbor who's trimming their trees? Take some of those branches, the sturdy thick ones, and bake them in the over for a little bit (this assures that they will be clean of pesticides and safe). Set those up, and if you'd like to help stablelize them, take some big rocks and throw them in there too.

That should fill a good portion and provide a great base. After that, head over to a local pet store and grab some fake vines and foillage. Use the branches to support the vines by wrapping them around and then letting them fall from there. Foillage can just stick out anywhere, and can also be secured with trimmed zip or twist ties.

Other places, such as craft stores like Micheal's and stuff will most likely offer a better and cheaper selection of foillage if you check there, but make sure it's safe!

Here is my setup: (note that the housed chameleon is still a baby so I've left a lot of open space not to overwhelm him and allow him to more easily hunt down feeder insects).
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I second that the cage needs a little more greenery. Maybe get a vine and attach it closer to the top of the cage where he hangs out often.
Oswin's pothos has taken a bad turn,and I took it out to try to revive it. Only problem, his cage is way to non-plant filled. Any ideas on places I can get either large fake plants or real for a good price?
I'm in the Dallas,Texas area.
I got my Yellow banana leaf tree from Walmart for $14, or if you have a local greenhouse around your area they will have lots of plants!
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