New Member
I’ve had my little bev since may 4th 2021. she’s been doing great after i learned a lot about raising chameleons. she’s been eating 2-3xs a week. we feed her crickets, and super worms. we dust her crickets with calcium powder probably 1x to 2xs a month. we buy her crickets through flukers farms and we always gut load them before feeding them to her. she has a waterfall in her enclosure that we change out and clean every week. we also mist her enclosure so she can drink from her plants as well. she has live plants and fake ones. she’s laid eggs 3x that we know of. at first it was our fault for over feeding her. we corrected that. she does have a heating lamp that’s at 60 since our house gets warm already. we have a Arcadia UVB light T5 forest. and we have changed it within the last year. we have another female chameleon right beside her cage (they can’t see each other) but our other chameleon is doing great she’s friendly eating drinking normal so i don’t know if this is a genetic thing or not? i just want to know what to do she’s been like this for about a week. we’ve been force feeding her and making her drink because we don’t know what else to do. no one in our area see reptiles only 1 place does and they don’t have an opening until 1 week from monday. any and all help would be appreciated. i find her on the ground light green with her eyes closed. i’m really scared she’s in pain and is dying.