Please Help !! Purple bruised looking skin


New Member
My friend gave me the chameleon looking like this. I am using a PowerSun and mist it hourly or every other hour in a screen cage. I feed it mealworms and crickets with calcium powder.
What happen to his horn/head ? It's turning blue and it's puffy too plus soft. Also, the elbows, spine, and tell are turning purple ish. I feel like those are dead leftover shedded skin that wasn't fully shedded. Is it bruised ??! It acts normal and can still eat. I think the right eye is blind, yet it can eat and very active. Can you tell me what I can do or what's going on before taking it to the vet. I'm low on budget. Here are pics.


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Those are thermal burns. Please go to the sticky at the top of the health clinic forum page and click on the how to ask for help link. Complete the form in as much detail as possible and post that information so we can help you. Unfortunately I think you will need to take your chameleon to a knowledgeable reptile vet to get treated for those burns. Once you complete the help request we can tell you the best way to care for your pet. Also you have a female.
Also, you don't want to push down on her back like that. It's hard to tell, maybe she is just crawling through your hand, but you want to be careful and let them just walk on you without applying any pressure to their back or sides.
Those are thermal burns. Please go to the sticky at the top of the health clinic forum page and click on the how to ask for help link. Complete the form in as much detail as possible and post that information so we can help you. Unfortunately I think you will need to take your chameleon to a knowledgeable reptile vet to get treated for those burns. Once you complete the help request we can tell you the best way to care for your pet. Also you have a female.

Ditto, looks like burns. Her basking spot may have been too close to her light or the light may have been too hot. Chameleons are masters at concealing illnesses, so if her burns are infected, you may not know until it's serious enough to kill her. Hence, the recommended vet visit. In the meantime, you can put a little Neosporin on the spots.

She looks a little dehydrated and skinny, too. Keep up with the mistings.

Definitely fill out the "How To Ask For Help" form. The folks here are really knowledgeable and helpful. They will get you squared away with all the details.

There are also a ton of great resources here. If you go to the main page of the forum, on the right hand side there is a box called "Getting Started". It has all the basics for everything: cages, lighting, supplements, illnesses, food, etc.

Welcome to the forum! Sorry your new little girl came with some health issues, but it's nothing insurmountable.
Your cham needs to get to the vets asap. It's covered in burns. Please have a look at the care sheets on the forum for advice on correct husbandry, lighting/heating etc. He will also need a much better diet than is being provided. Try avoid mealworms and go for more nutritional feeders that aren't going to cause any harm such as silkworms/hoppers/dubia roaches etc.

Hope everything goes well.
P.s - after looking at the other pictures he looks really dehydrated also. If you would like I can e-mail you an extensive care sheet to help you? In short-term though he really needs a vet asap and needs hydration. Up his mistings and provide a dripper as well as trying a shower misting. Unfortunately his casque is badly burned and will more than likely fall off sometime soon. This will leave a raw wound that will need treated by a vet to prevent infection. I'm unsure what will happen with his other burns, but regardless he will need treatment from a vet
Ouch! He needs a vet, that burn on his head needs help. His eyes look okay still, not too sunken in, I'm surprised he isn't more dehydrated considering how bad those burns are, but little man is crispy. Results of poor husbandry and light placement. Best of luck to your little one. Most vets will work with you. Just ask.
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