Please help- very sick chameleon


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon- Veiled, female, ~10 months old; Been in my care for 7 months

Handling - Usually- very rarely, 1-2 times per week for less than 5 minutes (during cage cleanings)
Last 3 days- 2 times a day for 30 minutes-hour trying to get her to eat/drink

Feeding - Usually- eats crickets and roaches. Altogether, she'll eat about 5-10 insects per day. I feed her every morning. Gut-load with orange cubes, yellow cubes, gut loading block, and dry cricket food. Also provide apple, potato, and shredded carrots.
Last 3 days- Has not eaten or drank ANYTHING. Tried to hand feed but wouldn't take anything. Put wax worm into her mouth but wouldn't even chew it, just let it hang there. Tried to use syringe to give her water but too afraid of aspiration.

Supplements - Usually- Liquid calcium sprayed onto feeders 1-3/week; very rarely use calcium with D3 (maybe once every 2 weeks); have never used vitamin supplement
Last 3 days- Tried to deliver liquid calcium by mouth by way of syringe

Watering - Usually- Little Dripper and hand mister 2 times per day for approx. 2 min (just until all leaves are wet and dripping); Yes, I see her drinking, she will drink while I am spraying/misting
Last 3 days- Shower method, mister, will not drink

Fecal Description - Last dropping 3 days ago- First part- Orangish-tan; Second part- Whitish-tan with what seemed to be undigested insect parts, very mucous; Never been tested for parasites

History - Has not grown well at all, still very small (I think) for her age. Or at least very small compared to my boy veiled, same age

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage 12x12x24 (was is bigger cage 24x24x46 with my boy but moved 3 weeks ago to small cage after I observed our male having "unconsented" sex with her)

Lighting - ZooMed Repti Basking Spot Lamp 50 watt; ZooMed ReptiSun 5.0 UVB; 12 hours on, 12 hours off

Temperature - Cage floor-75 F; Basking spot- 85-90 F
Lowest overnight temp- 70 F Measured with ambient air thermometer

Humidity - Do not measure; Just spray 2/day and let the dripper run for 20 min. 2/day

Plants - Pathos

Placement - Not located near any fans or air vents. Located in room next to stairs but the room is just passed and not entered usually. Top of cage 4 ft. from floor.

Location - San Antonio, TX

Current Problem - She has been laying on the floor of her enclosure for the past 2 days. VERY weak. Did not take to vet because I was certain she wouldn't make it past the last 2 nights due to information I read on the forum. What does this sound like??? What else can I do for her?? We're willing to take her to the vet if we can get a better idea of what may be going on with her and that there's a chance that she'll actually live. Please, anything helps. We really don't want her to die.
She most likely has eggs, do you have a lay bin in the cage? If not you need to get one in the cage asap.

She may have already become egg bound and need vet attention.

Not to be mean but in your post you say you would do anything to save her but you have read on the forums that she will most likely die, so she doesnt need vet attention. Sorry, just trying to understand your logic

I just moved her to the tub with a paper towel. She was getting dirt all over her face and I didn't want her to try to eat the dirt and make things worse. I have a fogger blowing on her to try to keep her hydrated. She has a couple branches available if she wants to try to climb but, at her current state, I know that she will not.


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That's what I originally thought, and I did put a lay bin in there but she was too weak to dig. She just laid there. I just removed the lay bin today and put her on a paper towel (see the post with pictures).
I did not say that I will do anything to save her. I would really like to but I am not going to go spend $300 just for her to die which seems to be what has happened to a majority of people on this forum. Sorry, but that is my logic right now..
I just moved her to the tub with a paper towel. She was getting dirt all over her face and I didn't want her to try to eat the dirt and make things worse. I have a fogger blowing on her to try to keep her hydrated. She has a couple branches available if she wants to try to climb but, at her current state, I know that she will not.

Holy MBD!! She needs to go to a vet ASAP. Stop the fogger, it will make her worse.
If you have looked at this forum, why were your chameleons housed together? Also, how long has it been since the bulb was changed? I am having a hard time believing the husband listed after seeing the chameleon. She needs help with the MBD quickly or she will die. The vet trip may be able to bring her back around, but she will for sure die if you do nothing. It is probably going to cost you $300 or more to get the correct environment set up for her and cover the $100 vet bill.
Holy MBD!! She needs to go to a vet ASAP. Stop the fogger, it will make her worse.

Yes she has very severe mbd and is in very bad shape. A vet visit is really your only option to save her life.

These animals are very expensive. In the future you should look in to putting money aside for vet bills.

In my opinion, I would pay the money to know what was wrong and attempt to make it right.
Why will the fogger make her worse? I joined this forum 3 days ago when my chameleon got sick. With that said, they were housed together because the guy I bought them from at the reptile expo said that they would be fine in that big of a cage. What is wrong with my enclosures? Yes, the one she is in right now is small, but I was planning on getting a bigger one when she grew bigger. But usually both cages have heat, UVB, drippers, get misted, have a bunch of vines and branches, and okay temp. gradients.. What needs to be changed? Since you are confident she has MBD, I will take her to the vet first thing in the morning. But question.. is she not receiving enough calcium? I am doing the exact same thing with my boy.. Do I need to change something so he does not end up in the same position??
I'm taking her tomorrow. Is the calcium spray not an okay substitute for calcium powder?

Never know how much or if she's absorbing it but from the look of her its not working. Get powder without D3 for every feeding. I hope she makes. Good luck and read that care sheet over a few times.
I would stop using the spray. Do not just give her calcium spray, that will not help her. Get the calcium powder and dust the feeders. She needs a shot of calcium and at this point, giving her a couple feeders with calcium powder probably won't help. She is probably not eating.

The fogger will keep it too moist and could cause problem like RI.

I would assume your male has the same problems, he is just not to this point yet
Update on Azul

First off, thank you all for your quick replies and advice. I just got back from the vet. The vet says he does not think Azul has MBD. Instead, he believes that she has encephalitis, unknown if it is bacterial or viral because she is too small to take a CSF sample. He has prescribed Chloramphenicol (antibiotic) and Dexamethasone (steroid) to fight the infection and inflammation, respectively. I will also be taking her in for daily tube feedings unless she starts eating by herself. He says the prognosis is poor...:( We are hoping for the best.
painful to watch at those photos. can't understand how somebody could buy/sell them like that. you don't have to be an expert to see that is a lot wrong with her ... sad, just sad
I questioned him about MBD but he said no.. Should I get another opinion from a different herp vet? There are a couple more in my area..
Good luck with her. If you see her legs are rounded at the joints, instead of straight. That is mbd. Kath.
Normally I would say yes get a second opinion because she def has MBD but because she is in such bad shape, maybe wait and see if those antibiotics do any good.
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