Please help! Very urgent!

Late update

Hi I know most of you have forgotten about this thread already but I just wanted to make a final update. I heard that Miki was adopted. One of my cousins was in the area and popped his head in. He asked about the chameleon what was brought in and they said that she was happy enough to be put outside so they did and someone adopted her! I'm so glad! My other cousin said it was possible that they were lying and she was put down but I doubt it since what would they gain by lying? It isn't illegal for them to euthanize and such so I'm pretty sure it's the truth! :D HOORAY!!! :D
No I hadn't forgotten about your thread. Threads like yours leave a lasting memory. This is what I would call a happy ending and because she went to a relative you will be able to follow her progress.
It's thoughtful of you to realize this cham needs to find a new home. How about a wildlife rehabilitator or a local pet rescue group? You can call a local pet store and ask them if they know of such groups.

Good luck!!!!


Oops! Just saw you found a home for it.
if kids are poking at her STOP that right away she needs to be left alone!!! she looks sick and stressed, she needs to stay warm, she needs UVB light 12 hours a day. as for temp and warmth she needs 70 - 80s she will not drink from still or stagnant water she needs to be misted she needs calcium you can get the powder at pet store along with crickets. powder the crickets with the calcium. give a cricket 1 or 2 times a day. leave her alone untill she starts looking better, if she makes it you can start getting her use to you by starting off hand feeding her, let her snach the bug out of your fingers. after a week hand feed her again but keep your arm in frount of it so she has to climb on you to get to it, this will lead up to you handling her a little when you want to spend time with her but remember chameleons are not to be hadled to much, but a little is ok. it all depends on the chameleon really.

Oo nvm, hope she made it :) but if that ever happens again theres some info for ya
That is such great news! Thank you so much for updating us! Miki has found a good home, I'm sure of it. And, again, you proved yourself to be a wonderful chameleon parent, so maybe later, if the time is right, you'll want to get yourself a great companion.
It sounds like someone took her from the wild? If so maybe you can just release her. Also I think you can kept her if you want but you have to do reshearch just like any pet. Start by going to the nearest bookstore and pick up a few books on chameleons and their care. Second go to a pet store and buy some fake lleaves and a little dripped. Set up the little dripper at the top of the cage and have it dripping off of leaves. Get a Bowl to catch the run off. I feel that is the most important thing get her to drink. Of course to do this you have t move her to your place. As for what to do next these guys on here will help you better then I could. If you really don't want to take care of her she is beautiful then post an add on Craig's list and tell whoever buys it to get some books and talk to us on here!

Pooh well nvm hope she happy wherever she is.
Dang I wish I would of seen this thread when it was posted? Must of been when I did not have internet at the house. That really sucks because I could of taken her in and given her the care she needs as I am also on the Island of Oahu. Well I am glad that she got adopted and hope that they can give her the care that she needs.
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