po' lil' canadian boy gets illegal feeder

I have been breeding a colony for about a half a year now and i won't ever have to buy crickets again! don't worry about infestations, especially this time of the year. They are tropical and can not live in the cold weather. They need a bin with a heat pad so they stay above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure they get a steady supply of food so they also get water. They will not eat the cricket quencher so you need fruits and veggies. But I find you should only give veggies when your not feeding them off and only give a little fruit to the ones you will be because you get fruit flies very easily. Your dubias will have to be adults to breed, so they will look like actual roaches instead of trilobites.

... and yes, i also think they are kinda cute :p especially the freshly molted ones where you can see their eyes and face paint.
thanks for the tips and the advice about cricket quencher. i have premade gut load cubes for moisture food along with my dry combos.

Don't forget the PFK's LOL ( they are KFC here and it made me laugh when I went to canada I was very confused)

lol what the heck does PFK mean? i was actually going to say KFC but cracker barrel is like so american ;) theres not a freeway you go down that you dont see 40 in one state lol.
Syn Gates would melt their faces OFF. lol :p

LOL!!! I think he should work more on his guitar playing than his image. Might help him actually rock hahahaha. This guy is sloppy as hell:D

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEydKC680Ik&feature=related PROOF!

If you like melody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UUQXeNnIlE The middle solo is one of the best ever written.

Did I mention I am turd when talking about heavy metal??:)

Arsis rules, Jessica!!!!!

Sorry, I am good at off topic thread posting.
Sorry for Hi-jacking....

LOL!!! I think he should work more on his guitar playing than his image. Might help him actually rock hahahaha. This guy is sloppy as hell:D

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEydKC680Ik&feature=related PROOF!

If you like melody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UUQXeNnIlE The middle solo is one of the best ever written.

Did I mention I am turd when talking about heavy metal??:)

Arsis rules, Jessica!!!!!

Sorry, I am good at off topic thread posting.


The 2010 Syn sounds way better. Death is amazing, I like 'Bite the Pain' the best.

RIP Chuck Schuldiner
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You will learn to love dubias...easier to care for then crickets, cleaner, and youi can catch them easier because they play dead...

To solve the problem of gut loading, i seperate my dubies into 2 groups..Feeders and breeders..The breeders need 2 things to reproduce..temps of around 90ish and protein..So i use a heating pad on one side and feed them vegies and dog food...If i need to use them as feeders, i wait at least 3 days before using them..

The feeders i give strictly vegies..You can still use a heating pad on them as well.. If you want them to breed they need the higher temps.. You will usually find that the males die quicker than the females.. and keep 1 male to 4-5 females for breeding..

Good luck.
metal guitar players need to learn some jazz or beef up the chord bank or somethin. anybody ever hear of imagry?!. & ill buy some roaches if itworks out for ya vieldowner...
lol what the heck does PFK mean? i was actually going to say KFC but cracker barrel is like so american ;) theres not a freeway you go down that you dont see 40 in one state lol.

PFK, for a Frenchie, means "Poulet frit Kentucky" --- French for Kentucky Fried Chicken! ;)
metal guitar players need to learn some jazz or beef up the chord bank or somethin. anybody ever hear of imagry?!. & ill buy some roaches if itworks out for ya vieldowner...
deffinately panther lover, if i and when i start this up i will deffinately ship some out in ontario depending on the means of shipment
PFK, for a Frenchie, means "Poulet frit Kentucky" --- French for Kentucky Fried Chicken! ;)
hahahahaha you funny frenchman, this made me laugh.
*to the americans, you should take a pointer from the frenchies and learn how to make a poutine. if you guys are sick of just ketchup and cheese fries then this will serve you guys justice haha.. oh i want one now

any ways,.. thank you every body for your tips about the dubias. very helpful information. you guys are very helpful!
metal guitar players need to learn some jazz or beef up the chord bank or somethin. anybody ever hear of imagry?!. & ill buy some roaches if itworks out for ya vieldowner...

Chords are boring, I want to hear some shred:p Seriously though, I like some jazz. Never heard of that band. I youtubed that and imagery and did not find anything.
deffinately panther lover, if i and when i start this up i will deffinately ship some out in ontario depending on the means of shipment

hahahahaha you funny frenchman, this made me laugh.
*to the americans, you should take a pointer from the frenchies and learn how to make a poutine. if you guys are sick of just ketchup and cheese fries then this will serve you guys justice haha.. oh i want one now

any ways,.. thank you every body for your tips about the dubias. very helpful information. you guys are very helpful!

I saw like 10 PFK's on my way up to old quebec... and I LOVE Poutine, I have grown up on it lol. I live in new hampshire and have a house up by the canadian border, plus i'm half french canadian.
hahaha thats awsome justjumpit! i realy need to brush up on my geography, i was thinking new hampshire was in the uk allll day! lol so i was like. what the heck? hahaha im an idiot. near what canadian boarder do you have a house in?
hahaha thats awsome justjumpit! i realy need to brush up on my geography, i was thinking new hampshire was in the uk allll day! lol so i was like. what the heck? hahaha im an idiot. near what canadian boarder do you have a house in?

most likely the southern one...
I'm still sticking to "I love my chamaleon to death but dubias are disguisting and I will never allow them in my house". Sorry Larry.
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