I acquired one of these (Polychrus acuitirostris) a few weeks ago, it's a really cool species that I can find next to no info about. Has anyone kept these before? Any tips? From what little I have found they inhabit grasslands in Brazil and Paraguay.
Which species? Have you had a chance to breed yours? What do you feed? Mine has refused food for a while now, I'm wondering whether they might be lizard or snail eaters in the wild. Either that or she's in the middle of a brumation thing. She's only had the occasional force fed cricket but she's maintained a steady weight over the last few weeks. She seems extremely alert and drinks normally but I can't get her to show interest in food yet.
It is polychrus peruvianus....I had the pair for a number of years but now I only have the male left.
I was told when I got it that it was an insectivore...but I found out that it ate as much fruit and veggies as it did insects....and it wasn't until I fed them both that they started to reproduce. I also did some raining on them.
I had eggs three times...the first time the male ate them before I could get them out of the cage. The second time, I made sure that he couldn't get at them but I had to guess at the incubation temperature and humidity and the eggs (fertile...I candled them) failed. The third time the eggs failed, but that's the year the female died so I can only assume that she was getting old. They only produced one clutch a year...but I can't remember what month it was.
I don't know if your species would be omnivorous or not...but it doesn't hurt to try IMHO.
I think I incubated them at 74-76F in vermiculite as moist as I used for veiled...but don't forget I said they failed. Yours is a different species so I don't know what to advise you to do. Yours also might not eat veggies or fruit.
Hi @all
I kept Polychrus acutirostris , Polychrus marmoratus and peruvianus in past.
Now i keep a 1.3 group of peruvianus .
I am still intetested in Exchange experience and Knowledge about that species .
If there is someone Talk about Them at the Moment lets do it Here or pm !
Sorry for my Bad english Iam from Germany !
Regards flo
as I said in the previous post...I kept peruvianus for over 11 years. A friend of mine took over for me in November because I've been in hospital and such since then.
I did start out with a pair but lost the female several years ago. I did get them to produce eggs but never hatched them...not sure if the female was too old or not or what the problem was.
They are omnivores....ate insects and quite a wide assortment of greens and veggies and fruit....didn't lay eggs until I figured this out and rained on them too.
Thank You for your reply .
I noticed that peruvianus need seasonal times to bring Them to breed .
Half year very hot and dry With Less of plants and half a year more wet With a Lot of plants .
How Many degree Celsius You Try for incubation ?
During the "hot Summertime " Its seems They have no Problems with 30 degree Celsius Air temperature and a bit more ! At Day time .
I kept a Adult WC female from 1997-2009 There werent Any problems at all the time !
Th New group i got Last years seems the Same .
I also had a clutch this year But infertile
2 females Seem to be Pregnant !
Does anyone know where i can get some Peruvianus or Acuitorotis? I have 0.1 acuitorotris, i also have 2.2 Polychrus m. I'm in love with this genus and looking to acquire as many species as possible.
kjhill Were are You from ?
I Sold my Last cb acutirostris Last Dezember may she want it give away .
Peruvianus is very hard to get .
I Dont know Any group in private Hands without My 4 animals .
What temperature did you keep P. Acuitorotris cage temps and incubation temps. Because my female if the temperature ever gets above 85 degrees F or 29 C she gets stressed and goes to the bottom of the cage on the floor.
I keep Them in a Big Tank 120x70x170cm the temp on Top was around 31-33 degree Celsius in middle about 26 degree Celsius an on bottom 24 degree Celsius
They Were very active in Morning and evening on top at Day time around the middle !