Pomona supershow

Hey Rob I looked for your hat but didn't see you... What did you end up getting. I was looking for a Sambava but didn't find anything so I just got some supplies and was talking to kammoflage. Did you see there nosy and the huge RB Ambi. ?? He was massive!!

lol i was there with hat on, kent brought me up a male ambanja from barney..
Oh yeah, I was shocked to see so many people buying Chams with no idea on how to take care of them. Not only that but they had them purchased and were looking for cages and supplies, Nothing set up and ready to go ahead of time????

That's a big part of the reason that Elisa and I are running the Chameo Inc. // South Bay Chameleon Keepers shared booth for chameleon keeping education :). Yesterday, we snagged plenty of prospective chameleon keepers before they made their purchases as well as those who came over to us with their chameleon kits asking for advice. Much of the needed advice revolved around not having purchased a UVB source yet, what feeders to buy at the show and what to buy elsewhere, how to supply water, and what vitamins and minerals to use and how often. I'm still leveraging my 48 slide powerpoint presentation material for talking points as well as our selection of props loaned to us by various show vendors. It's great that many of the chameleon sellers send their customers over to us to discuss their in-depth questions.

It was great seeing old and new faces both from here as well as the SBCK members. It's all a blur right now but I do remember chatting with Rob, Action Jackson, Kent, Jmeyer, Chad and Darcy, Ryan and Lisa, Tyler, Joanna (Versagirl), and others.

One more day to go! I'm taking tomorrow off to recouperate :eek:.
it was a fun show! Not as many day geckos as i would have liked but i came home with a bunch of house geckos lol. can't leave that place empty handed. Nice to meet you Dave!
I'm soo excited I'm going to the show today..It's been over a year and half since I've last gone! Ahhhh.... lol Anyways, looking forward to seeing everyone there!! Ohh also..if I bring my little pup..will they let me bring her inside???
I'm soo excited I'm going to the show today..It's been over a year and half since I've last gone! Ahhhh.... lol Anyways, looking forward to seeing everyone there!! Ohh also..if I bring my little pup..will they let me bring her inside???

They let a goat in with a diaper, so I don't think your dog is going to be a problem.
I two saw the goat in a diaper an thought the same thing, i dont know that they let them in or if it was a vendor at another building i dont think id bring a pup lot of walkin prolly end up carring it, i would think at a place where they are selling pets they wouldnt want you to bring yours, i wouldnt take the chance of bringin a puppy with you just to find out they wont let it in.
hello everyone, i went to the show yesterday and fell in love with the Panther Chameleons. it even made me come join this site lol. i have never owned a reptile before and never really seen them outside a zoo lol. i have done a lot of reading on this site the last 24 hours, and it seems like owning a Panther Chameleon isn't something you should just jump in to. can anyone recommend a good book to read or is this site a great place to start? i have so many more question to ask but i think i will use the search feature first. i will wait awhile before i start bugging you guys ;).
hello everyone, i went to the show yesterday and fell in love with the Panther Chameleons. it even made me come join this site lol. i have never owned a reptile before and never really seen them outside a zoo lol. i have done a lot of reading on this site the last 24 hours, and it seems like owning a Panther Chameleon isn't something you should just jump in to. can anyone recommend a good book to read or is this site a great place to start? i have so many more question to ask but i think i will use the search feature first. i will wait awhile before i start bugging you guys ;).

Welcome and bug away! We are happy to help!
hello everyone, i went to the show yesterday and fell in love with the Panther Chameleons. it even made me come join this site lol. i have never owned a reptile before and never really seen them outside a zoo lol. i have done a lot of reading on this site the last 24 hours, and it seems like owning a Panther Chameleon isn't something you should just jump in to. can anyone recommend a good book to read or is this site a great place to start? i have so many more question to ask but i think i will use the search feature first. i will wait awhile before i start bugging you guys ;).

lol another one got hooked lol, read all ya can there is alot of useful info on here its alot of reading but well worth it.did you get one or are you just readin up first?
no. i didnt get one yet. i figure i'll do some reading first and probably get a cage together before i go out and get one. one question i havent found the answer to yet is. what with the numbers for the locale? example 1.1 Nosy Be 1.0 Ambilobe 1.0 Ambanja 1.0 Veiled
no. i didnt get one yet. i figure i'll do some reading first and probably get a cage together before i go out and get one. one question i havent found the answer to yet is. what with the numbers for the locale? example 1.1 Nosy Be 1.0 Ambilobe 1.0 Ambanja 1.0 Veiled

lol the first is male the second is female like 1.1 is one male one female an 1.1.25 would be male.female.babies...an congrats to you waiting till your ready alot dont an then have probs...welcome to the fourm an like i said lotta good info here..
Well, so much for going to get feeders and look around. Lisa and Ryan @TikiTiki talked us into a couple very cute geckos. They are very cute and healthy and active. Thanks!
Last picture is our crested. We got him from them 1 1/2 yrs ago.
Ryan&Lisa - Here is a picture of Peaches from today, we wanted you to see how great he looks.


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it was a fun show! Not as many day geckos as i would have liked but i came home with a bunch of house geckos lol. can't leave that place empty handed. Nice to meet you Dave!

I couldn't help myself! I bought a pair of Lygodactylus williamsi because someone came to our booth to purchase fruit flies after buying a pair for himself. I'm partial to day geckos but haven't had any for years. Soooo cute!!! I bought my pair from Switzer Reptiles and my enclosure is the acrylic cube from DIY Cages. Today I picked up terra balls, oak leaves and moss. Talk about being unprepared! Shame on me!

Dave and I had a great day today helping people out. I made just enough money to buy a table at the Pomona show in a premium spot. ;) Very happy about that!
anyone else go an get anything?

I got a mellers cham and a mojave ball python. I wanted to get more, but I knew I really shouldn't. I came for the Fischer's chameleon and the only vendor who had them, sold out before 12:00pm on Saturday. For some reason all of the panther chams I saw looked huge compared to mine. Amazing Blue had some really cool chams, as well as the members who were there. Tiki and Radiant were always busy with people though. Hope you guys did well. The food there was EXPENSIVE for something you can get at Costco.
Well, so much for going to get feeders and look around. Lisa and Ryan @TikiTiki talked us into a couple very cute geckos. They are very cute and healthy and active. Thanks!
Last picture is our crested. We got him from them 1 1/2 yrs ago.
Ryan&Lisa - Here is a picture of Peaches from today, we wanted you to see how great he looks.

lol @ went just for feeders dont forget to change your sig seems theres a few things misiing from it.lol I know how it is everytime ya see lisa an ryan ya wanna take something home i have the same prob they havent got me with the geckos YET... anyone else get anything from the show?
the goat with the diaper was adorable. The show was good dident come home with anything but an awesome aquarium...haha. and the highlight for me was making a fool of myself to shorty and ashley from pit boss :D
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