poop question

You can give it a shower, by placing it on a plant in the shower, aiming the nozzle at the wall so a gentle mist falls on her. You can up her mistings too.

The question is why is she having trouble? Can you fill out the how to ask for help form in the health clinic here?
my cham wont poop for days at a time. its not unusal for them to only go once or twice a week. Id also check the whole cage, my panther is known for leaving suprises in weird hard to see places
If her belly is swelled she could well be egg bound! Im no expert on this im sure someone on here can give you some advice??
dont think so,she is too young.i saw some small white poop stuck behind her. Probably tried at night a bit.but she is still fat
What age do can they start producing eggs anyone? Think this guy needs someone to cherp up that knows what there talking about :eek:
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