
Mine usually poops just once Usually after his first basking of the morning or after the first feeding
It varies....we've seen stories of chameleons going scary lengths of time (like more than a week) without pooping....Are you concerned that your chameleon is not pooping enough?
are you 100% sure? Check the cage over VERY carefully. The poop doesnt always make it to the bottom of the cage. It could be on a leaf branch, in the bottom of a plant, etc...
On a completely totally anecdotal level I can relate to the varied length of time for poops.

My chameleon had several scary-long periods of no-poop. I don't remember exact time frames, but I think one was over a week. When it eventually came out though, everything looked good and healthy as far as I could tell... but I'm not above saying that I could have been doing something wrong with my husbandry that caused it.

I have a new baby now, and I've had him for about a week and a half. His poops are very small, but I've counted three so far that I could find in his cage.
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