Possible health issue?

This lump began to show up two days ago. It hasn't grown since yesterday, but I'm concerned that it might be some type of cancerous growth. He's about 3.25 years old. All cage and environment parameters are within normal as is his eating and behavior. His fecal looks the same as always.

Has anyone seen this type of lump before? Thanks!


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Thank you for all the advice.

Just got back from the vet. The protrusion was an abscess breaking through from below. She opened it up some and tried to squeeze out what she could which wasn't much. It's a thick substance rather than puss-like. He's going to have a three injection antibiotic treatment over the next few weeks. If that fails to work, we have to look at surgery to open up the area and remove the abscess. Hopefully, that won't have to happen. Rango's such a mellow, good boy that he never once gaped or hissed at the vet. He just took it all in stride like the wonderful chameleon he is. :)
You said..."It's a thick substance rather than puss-like"...chameleon pus is like cottage cheese in texture. What color was it?
Is the vet doing culture and sensitivity test?
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