Posting pictures


I found a USB cable from my cell phone that I need to send pictures.
Can I use this with digital camera?
Can someone give me instructions or a website that will explain how to do it so you can all see my chams?
I am not very technologically gifted and just know the basics with the computer.

Thank you.

I tried looking at some sites but very confusing.
i suggest using a camera with a scandisk memory adays laptops and computers have the an input to place memory cards and then save them on your computer....i forgot hhow to post pics sorry ...i am sure someone will post the instructions to do that once you have pics in your computer...:).....good luck and cant wait to see your cham!!!
You two (J and Ace) mentionned the two most common ways to put pictures from a digital camera to a computer. Either way should work, as long as 1) your USB cable is the right USB cable, and 2) your computer can read SD cards. Also, if you use a USB cable, your computer may need some software to transfer the pictures into your computer, but it's rarer.

Once you are done with putting the pictures in your computer, you have two ways to upload the pictures. The first one is to upload the pictures on the Chameleonforums, or on another website. The advantage in ChameleonForums is that your pictures might never disappear, while uploading them on another website and linking them here will let other people who aren't members of the Chameleonforums to see your pictures.

Uploading pictures on here will end up looking that way:

Uploading pictures on another website will look this way:

Personally, i prefer to upload pictures on . If you ever need help in discovering how it works, just send me a private message and i'll do what i can for you! :)
Thanks Marc,

I will try it out when I have more time. Always seem to be working and taking care of my animals (which I love!)

If you have trouble getting the pictures onto your computer, someone might be able to provide more specific information if you mention what kind of camera and computer you have. My camera is a Nikon CoolPix; for it, I hook the cable between the camera and the computer then turn the camera on. Both Mac and PC will then treat the camera like a jump drive; Mac automatically uploads the pictures into its program iPhoto, while the PC generally requires me to "open" the "jump drive", and it usually takes a couple of steps of opening folders before I'm at the pictures. From there, Mac automates importing them, and on the PC, click and drag will copy them into whatever folder works.
Good luck; looking forward to seeing your chams!
Hallenhe pretty much explained how most digital cameras work! If you get an exception, just message me and i'll see what i can do! :)

Hey J, can you read French? If so, i have an easy link to explain you how to use ImageShack, step by step, with pictures and everything you need! :)
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