pothos cuttings.


New Member
Does anyone know the best way to take cuttings from a devils Ivy/ pothos,
Mine are growing well and would like to split them, but unsure how,

I take the cutting I want and put it in water for about 2 weeks. Rootrs then from and it can be planted in soil and treated like a normal plant. I have just taken 3 cuttings from mine!
I take the cutting I want and put it in water for about 2 weeks. Rootrs then from and it can be planted in soil and treated like a normal plant. I have just taken 3 cuttings from mine!

Thanks Brad:), do you just cut a bit off. then put that into water,
yep agreed i just cut them down pretty far. if you can see a root nub and cut it with that on the cutting it will root alot faster. the root nub useually starts on the vine where the leaf stalks shoot off. ( if that makes sence )
i useually take a vine with about three healthy leaf shoots and also put in a glass of water untill i see some nice white roots, them straight into soil..
just a tip for you:
if you notice that you pthos is growing more like a vine and you want it more bushy, you can take one of the longer vines and turn it around back into the soil, and bury it a little where a root nub can re-root and it will start again there.

add some rooting solution to the water.

I take the cutting I want and put it in water for about 2 weeks. Rootrs then from and it can be planted in soil and treated like a normal plant. I have just taken 3 cuttings from mine!

If you want you can also add rooting solution which will make it root faster and stronger.
I skip the water part -- I cut off a piece and stick it in the soil where I want it to grow. I've never had a failure yet. Anything more complicated and I'd mess it up. I swear I can kill a plant just by thinking about it LOL
I skip the water part -- I cut off a piece and stick it in the soil where I want it to grow. I've never had a failure yet. Anything more complicated and I'd mess it up. I swear I can kill a plant just by thinking about it LOL

I do mine this same way except before putting into the soil I add re rooting dust :) then mist 2-3 times a day :)
Does anyone know the best way to take cuttings from a devils Ivy/ pothos,
Mine are growing well and would like to split them, but unsure how,


Its hard to do wrong. They are very fault tolerant :)
I use scissors to cut pieces off, usually aiming for mid-way between two leaf nodes. Helps if the cutting is about 6 leaves long (if longer you could loose a few leaves before the new roots develop). Put the cut end of the cutting into a jar of water. wait. once roots form, transfer to soil. Or not - i have some growing only in water for months and month. You can also put the cutting directly into soil, so long as the soil is kept damp.
Any plant I touch dies. I don't know how I've managed to keep my current plants alive so long... as a kid I once tried to grow a tomatoe plant, it grew fully with just the rain and me forgetting about it, a deer came and ate my tomatoes, but the second I actually tried to pick a tomatoe myself, the next day it started dying.
Well, I thought I'd dig this thread up to say that I have actually been successful! Never thought I would be but it is really simple as you all said! My first cutting is sitting comfortably in a pot growing well with another 3 on the way!

Cheers all!
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Yo! Can we get some photos of these cuttings? I mean, do I cut a leaf off or what? :confused: Please and thanks! :D
anything i was gonna say has been said, cut clones, root solution and so on, my regular pothos vines out and roots itself sometimes i'll just cut 1 of those and plant it elsewhere,
Yo! Can we get some photos of these cuttings? I mean, do I cut a leaf off or what? :confused: Please and thanks! :D

On this picture (of my cutting growing) I've put the line where I sort of cut the original:


Nothing to it really, just bang it in water for a while and then into soil/compost!
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