Pothos trouble


New Member
Hello everyone,

I just received my lovely juvenile male veiled. He is very healthy and has an amazing appetite.

I am having a little bit of difficulty with my pothos plant. I have read every pothos care information I have been able to find, but I feel like it is drooping more than it should be. I water it as soon as the soil feels a bit dry, but still moist near the roots.

I got it from a nursery here, washed it accordingly and replanted it in organic soil, but I'm wandering if there is a trick in making it less... droopy? Which won't really matter if my Veiled decides to take chunks out of it :p

Thank you!
I have been watering it every morning. I'll try every other morning and see if that helps. I don't want it to die, but apparently they are hard to kill. Thank you.
they are hard to kill, but too much water can cause root rot.

also, how much root has filled the pot?
if its pot pound, it can die as well.
The roots haven't really filled up much of the pot at all. I don't know what pot pound means, but I have read something on root rot.
camimom meant pot bound, which means that the roots fill the pot and it doesnt have any room to expand any more and the plant can end up dying from it. its recommended to transplant the plant into a larger plant before it becomes pot bound to prevent the plant from suffering, or plant it in a large pot to begin with :) i agree with you in trying watering it every other day especially since it is getting some water from misting and if you have a dripper system for your cham :)
I have some pothos growing out of my pond with no dirt at all, that grows like crazy over the last year. So not sure about too much watering although I am guessing if it is surrounded by dirt and too much water it may work differently than just in water and as mentioned above cause root rot, if that makes sense. It could just be shock from repotting maybe? I have to water my pothos that hangs on the side of my cage almost daily but the one in the middle gets plenty of water from the mistking.
Definitely over watering. I had a friend once who had a pothos and only watered it once a month, and it looked great haha but yeah I would try every other day.
Thank you for the information! I will try less watering and see if it makes a difference this week. I live in a dry climate so it's hard judging how much to water plants. Determining the humidity for my cham, however, is a lot easier. I appreciate the responses.
Its actually fairly hard to overwater a pothos that is established.
But since you just repotted it, the root system hasnt settled yet.

give it time and dont need to water it quite so quickly.
I have some pothos growing out of my pond with no dirt at all, that grows like crazy over the last year. So not sure about too much watering although I am guessing if it is surrounded by dirt and too much water it may work differently than just in water and as mentioned above cause root rot, if that makes sense. It could just be shock from repotting maybe? I have to water my pothos that hangs on the side of my cage almost daily but the one in the middle gets plenty of water from the mistking.

Back when I was into aquariums pothos were a big part of my filtration systems. They grew pretty darn well in nothing but fish water on the back of a giant HOB. With that said the roots that grow into water are definitely different than the ones that utilize soil.
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