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I have one Veiled cham, Kinji who when I walk into the room will either jump from where ever he is on to the ground of the enclosure landing with a bang (approx 2.5 foot drop), or will run like nuts to get to the ground. How do I get him to stop doing this? Why?
I have one Veiled cham, Kinji who when I walk into the room will either jump from where ever he is on to the ground of the enclosure landing with a bang (approx 2.5 foot drop), or will run like nuts to get to the ground. How do I get him to stop doing this? Why?

That is s flight reflex. When a cham is scared they drop like a bomb
So he'll jump from his basking spot, put cover there also? Thought that they needed that open to get the heat.
So he'll jump from his basking spot, put cover there also? Thought that they needed that open to get the heat.

He shouldn't be able to climb onto the basking light. It should be outside his cage. Did I misunderstand you? How far is he falling? A drop of 3-4 feet is not dangerous unless he just happens to land awkwardly. More foliage should help him break his fall and he may not bother if he feels he can hide from you.
Basking lamp is outside of cage about 8-11 inches. He'll jump from the vine that he perches on to bask and hits the bottom of the enclosure. Don't want him to break a bone.
put a barrier of view between you and the basking area.( like a bundle of plants or put the basking spot away from the front of your door or w/e its placement is he should feel safe and somtimes that means restricting your view
Is the enclosure in a spot where he can see you coming from a distance? If it is near a door or spot where he is getting startled this behavior will likely continue. The added vines are not going to stop him from basking or absorbing UVB, but give a sense of security and as an added bonus, more drinking spots from misting. They will also offer some safe spots to hang out in so he doesn't feel "seen" all the time. My boy will stay still in a spot until you make eye contact. Then its off to find cover. :D (Unless he is hungry, and then its a look of "Well, I'm waiting...") :rolleyes:
Thats the oddest thing ive heard :D
ive got 2 veiled (m and f) and theyve never done that.

The weirdest thing my male does is walk laps around his cage, on every side :p
He must like working his legs out.:p
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